Tarot and Sigil Magick

Tarot and Sigil Magick

The Art Of Tarot Card Readings – Online Courses

Ready to peek into the cards for some guidance and wisdom?

In these courses, we get playful with the cards, exploring them from various perspectives. Think of storytelling and a number system (like numerology!) from 1 to 10, plus some handy tips and tricks.

You’ll learn to connect with the cards intuitively to receive tailored insights during a reading.
We’ll walk you through these Tarot courses in the simplest way possible, so you can grasp the essence of Tarot cards without the need to memorize each card individually. But remember, Tarot readings aren’t set in stone, they’re just guideposts on your journey!

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Sigil Magic(k) Course

And hey, for those who dig Witchcraft, we’ve got just the right course lined up for you! Our Sigil Magick course can add some extra sparkle to your Witchcraft rituals or stand alone as a ritual itself. Ready to weave some magic?

Sigil Magick and it is a very old ritual, often used in the middle ages. The word Sigil comes from the Latin language which means Picture or Seal.

Start now!