Reiki Level 2 The Next Step

Reiki Level 2 The Next Step

Learn Reiki Level 2 in Calgary – Certified

Are YOU Thinking About moving on and exploring the possibilities with Reiki Level 2?

This Degree or Level is the next exciting step in learning to use Reiki. It is like a new beginning with new possibilities. It is the level where you are taught three symbols and their Mantras. These symbols are the Power Symbol, the Distance Symbol, and the Emotional/Mental Symbol. These symbols are the keys that give you access to more ways of healing. With the use of these symbols, Reiki healing will become more practical and beneficial. So learn Reiki level 2 now!

  • Your Reiki healing energy will flow at a stronger and higher vibration.
  • A full Reiki treatment can be shortened by around 20 minutes instead of 60 minutes.
  • Your Reiki awareness will continue to expand with your experience and progress.
  • You’ll be able to send Reiki to the past, the present, and the future.
  • You will become more aware of the intensity, flow, and the power of Reiki.
  • You may become more intuitive or psychic.
  • As you’re using the symbols in your daily life you will find unlimited uses for them
  • You’ll further learn methods to expand your spiritual development
  • Further changes, unique to you, will manifest themselves.

Learn Reiki 2 complete online with distance attunements

In this course you will learn

How to activate the Reiki Symbols before and during a Reiki Session

Distance Healing

Distance Spiritual House/Room Cleansing

House/Room  Cleansing with Reiki Symbols

Programming Crystals and Stones

Reiki Shower

Healing the Past and the Inner Child

Sending Healing to the future

and more…

Start your journey now


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