What Is Reiki Healing?

What Is Reiki Healing?

What Is Reiki Healing?


What Is Reiki Healing? ​Click here: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0 This Certified Reiki Level 1 online Course with Distance Attunements will show you the way! Reiki Healing has been around for a while. The concept and word Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy.

It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy, and it is given to oneself or to others, by gently laying ones hand on or slightly above the body. The one who provides the Reiki-Energy, the giver, is the channel for the Reiki healing energy, and through the hands this energy is given to the receiver. Reiki healing is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926).

Usui attained enlightenment, and this Reiki healing ability was bestowed upon him in 1922, at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on the sacred mountain of Mount Kurama in Kyoto. Reiki healing works at a physical level, and is relaxing and pleasant. On the emotional level it creates confidence in oneself, and in others. It helps to strengthen the zest for life, and to feel more balanced. Reiki healing works on the mental level too, helping you to cope with everyday stress better. On the spiritual level Reiki healing helps and guides you to develop your spiritual growth.

If you can not attend a direct Reiki course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki course, to learn Reiki healing can be for example: – not enough time – having no possibility to get to a class, because there are no classes near by – physical problems – no transportation just to name a few reasons Go and check it out now, Reiki Healing: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0

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