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Author: Michael

What Is Reiki Healing, Physically And Spiritually? Are There 2 Kinds Of Reiki Healing?

What Is Reiki Healing, Physically And Spiritually? Are There 2 Kinds Of Reiki Healing?

Are there 2 kinds of Reiki healing? What is Reiki healing, and how does it work? Reiki healing how it began for the founder On Mt. Kurama in Kyoto, USUI Mikao Sensei became enlightened. He was meditating and fasting when the enlightenment of Reiki came to him. He lived and died as a Buddhist, not as a Christian minister, as some believe. In the beginning he might not have asked: “what is Reiki healing”, until he suddenly became injured. Usui’s…

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What Is Reiki Therapy, And What Is Reiki Healing Therapy, Is There A Difference?

What Is Reiki Therapy, And What Is Reiki Healing Therapy, Is There A Difference?

What is Reiki healing therapy, and what is Reiki Therapy without the healing? What is Reiki healing therapy? Simply put, this is Reiki with the intention of healing something specific. What is Reiki Therapy without the healing? It is all about your intention. Reiki does not need to be about healing a specific thing. (Note: Reiki as a treatment is not a cure. Reiki, as therapy, is not a medically certified procedure. A Reiki Practitioner or Master cannot guarantee healing…

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How To Become A Reiki Healer, And Get Your Reiki Healing Certification Online

How To Become A Reiki Healer, And Get Your Reiki Healing Certification Online

Get Your Reiki Healing Certification Online: How To Become A Reiki Healer If you want to know how to become a Reiki healer, do what I did: begin your spiritual journey with no expectations. Be open to what comes. And what comes will more likely be marvellous! The second step is easy, take a Reiki course, this can be done online too, learn it well, and get attuned, at least into the first degree of Reiki. A Reiki healing certification…

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The Right Reiki Online Course Is Important When Learning Reiki Online, Why?

The Right Reiki Online Course Is Important When Learning Reiki Online, Why?

Learning Reiki Online, Is great! But Get The Right Reiki Online Course. Why? Learning Reiki online the right way, depends on the quality of the material, how it’s presented, the quality of the attunements, and the lineage of the master. I think not every Reiki online course is created equal. A great reiki online course should be simple in presentation, like Daniela and Lina’s Reiki healing courses. For me, simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. They offer detailed videos….

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Tarot For Beginners, The STORY, And Why A Tarot Reading Is Not Set In Stone?

Tarot For Beginners, The STORY, And Why A Tarot Reading Is Not Set In Stone?

Tarot for beginners may seem daunting because there is a lot to memorize When learning tarot for beginners one of the biggest hurdles might be trying to learn each individual card. This might be true, but the hardest part is learning to let go and trust your intuition. When I was younger I thought that anything that could not be proven in a laboratory was not real. This is before I met Daniela. She showed me that there is a…

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Are Tarot Cards Evil? Find Out Now!

Are Tarot Cards Evil? Find Out Now!

Are tarot cards evil, are you doomed for using them? Are tarot cards evil?Are you evil? I don’t think I’m evil, but a long time ago I wondered if using tarot was ok. Back then I thought, is there some mystical and evil influence on these cards that seem to accurately predict the future. Today I know better, but a long time ago I asked this same question. Now I know the answer. So why am I asking you if…

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The History Of Tarot Cards Is Still A Mystery, Why?

The History Of Tarot Cards Is Still A Mystery, Why?

The history of tarot cards: why is it still a mystery? I always wanted to know the history of tarot cards, and why they have the power to guide me in my life for today, and into the future. When I looked it up I found something discouraging. Know one really knows where the mysterious power of the tarot deck comes from exactly. How does it work? Unsatisfied I kept looking for the answer. This is what I found The history of tarot cards can be traced back…

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How To Read Tarot Cards For Beginners

How To Read Tarot Cards For Beginners

How To Read Tarot Cards For Beginners, Without Learning Each Card On Its Own How to read tarot cards for beginners: when Daniela shows students how to read tarot cards for beginners they wonder how this is possible without learning each of the 78 cards on its own, using simple techniques. Just let me say that this it works! And you’ll be amazed. But first, a few years ago I tried to do my own Tarot reading to see if…

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How To Use Shaman Tools For Shamanic Aid?

How To Use Shaman Tools For Shamanic Aid?

What are Shaman tools, and what is Shamanic aid? Through Shamanism training you learn to use Shaman tools in order to empower you with Shamanic aid. What do I mean? This is simply a way that you can integrate Shamanic methods to find more balance in your daily life. Shaman tools is a spiritual tool kit, so to speak, to aid you everyday. I’m a mother of 5 (all grown up now), and grandmother of 3, I’m a wife, and…

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The Truth About The Female Shaman History And Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Woman?

The Truth About The Female Shaman History And Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Woman?

Female Shaman History Is Fascinating And Is Found In Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Women? Female shaman history is very interesting and found in female shaman names. There is no single word or even agreement amongst archaeologists as to what a shaman is. The word itself describes the role of a tribal sage, of one particular Siberian culture. It was brought to the west centuries ago. The word shamanism probably derives from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman, meaning…

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Learn Reiki Online And Become Reiki Healer, Are You Following Your Calling?

Learn Reiki Online And Become Reiki Healer, Are You Following Your Calling?

What is your calling? Should you learn reiki online, and become reiki healer? When I learned reiki I really didn’t think I had been called to do so. I just did it out of curiosity. On the other hand, I had a pain in my foot. And I didn’t really know what to do about it as nothing seemed to help. Later, I would learn reiki online and become reiki healer. But before that, I would go to work in…

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Reiki Chakra: Crown Chakra Clearing, And The 3rd Eye Chakra Clearing, For New Ideas

Reiki Chakra: Crown Chakra Clearing, And The 3rd Eye Chakra Clearing, For New Ideas

A crown chakra clearing, and the 3rd eye chakra clearing, are a good way to receive new ideas, through reiki chakra activation Most of my best ideas come from nowhere. I do nothing, they just come to me, especially when I’m going for a walk. Has this ever happened to you before? Or when you were standing in the shower, and suddenly you get a great idea. Or you woke up, after sleeping on a problem, and suddenly you have…

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Reiki Chakras: How To Balance Root Chakra, And Why? 7 Steps

Reiki Chakras: How To Balance Root Chakra, And Why? 7 Steps

Reiki Chakras: Why I Balance Root Chakra? Everything is connected. This is especially true for your aura and chakras. Reiki chakras and balancing them fit perfectly together. The chakras bring in energy into your aura, which includes, on a basic level, four bodies: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. I need to create balance in my aura, and I will balance root chakra to start off. It’s important that your chakras are working properly in order to keep your…

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Do Reiki Yourself Spontaneously. Why?

Do Reiki Yourself Spontaneously. Why?

The obvious way to use reiki, that for some people might not be so obvious, is to do reiki yourself. Why? There are people who believe that reiki is something that needs to be done within the controlled parameters of a session. But you can do reiki yourself. Now this is definitely one way of doing reiki, and it is very effective and advantageous to both the reiki master and client. The controlled environment gives everyone the opportunity to focus…

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How To: Reiki Self Healing Through Self Reiki Beaming, What is it?

How To: Reiki Self Healing Through Self Reiki Beaming, What is it?

Reiki self healing through self reiki beaming, what? You might know a little about Reiki self-healing, but do you know what Reiki beaming is? As a reiki master and practitioner there are some techniques that you can use that are really effective, and will help you either to better serve your clients, or for your own self healing. We will concentrate on the self healing aspect. But normally you can do reiki beaming for your clients by standing a few…

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What is life? A Bizarre Reality, But How?

What is life? A Bizarre Reality, But How?

We live is a bizarre reality. So What is life? Even today, even after being able to pull it apart and examine it through a microscope and in laboratories, science still does not have the definition for what is life, let alone the meaning of life, let alone what consciousness is in our bizarre reality. Life, because it is such a complex system of things, with so many interacting parts, each of which is essential, is really tough to make a…

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Intuitive Thinking During An Outbreak, But Not When I Go Shopping, Why?

Intuitive Thinking During An Outbreak, But Not When I Go Shopping, Why?

Intuitive thinking is something I do at work but not otherwise Intuitive thinking is an odd thing. Normally you would think that someone who is an Intuitive thinker would always be so. But it’s not true. I know from experience. I’m not very intuitive when I go shopping. Another Example, I work as a news photographer, and over the years I have learned to trust my intuition. Yet, something I realized the other day, when I was covering an outbreak,…

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Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This?

Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This?

Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This? An empath feels what another person is experiencing. The intuitive empath connects to, and becomes like someone, in-order to have inner sight and understanding of them? The intuitive empath is open to receive physical information about someone. In this way an intuitive empath can know what is ailing people, where their physical suffering originates from. Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without conscious reasoning. It gives the empath direct access to…

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Trust Your Instincts? Why Wouldn’t You? Instinct vs Intuition!

Trust Your Instincts? Why Wouldn’t You? Instinct vs Intuition!

Should you trust your instincts? You really have no choice then to trust your instincts. Instinct is a part of who you are. The bigger questions is: do you trust your intuition? Instinct and intuition are not the same thing. Ever notice that intuitive decision making happens instantaneously? I have. When I’m at work, I’m a news photographer, something amazing often happens. When I arrive at a crime scene, if there is a group of people watching the action, something tells…

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Can You Trust Your Gut Feeling? Can Intuition Be Measured?

Can You Trust Your Gut Feeling? Can Intuition Be Measured?

Is a Gut Feeling Better than logic? Until recently the notion of making decisions based on intuition, or a “gut feeling,” an “inner voice” or a “sixth sense,” was considered by rational, logic oriented thinkers as nonsense. For the rational mind intuition belongs in the realm of unicorns and rainbows, and isn’t real. Intuition for many people is just something we imagine existing, but it has always been impossible to quantify scientifically. Yet a new scientific study strongly suggests that…

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Intuition Meaning, Why Is It Mysterious?

Intuition Meaning, Why Is It Mysterious?

Intuition Meaning, What Is Intuition? Intuition meaning is ambiguous to say the least.  Because no one can say what Intuition is, where it comes from, or how it works exactly. So it is a mystery. Different cultures have different views of what intuition is all about. So it has remained in the realm of philosophy and spooky mysticism forever, until recently. Because science has, in fact, found a way to measure the intuition itself, but that will be for a…

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Intuition VS Logic: How Do I Know When My Logic Is Incorrect?

Intuition VS Logic: How Do I Know When My Logic Is Incorrect?

Intuition, What Is It? Intuition is important for what I do. I’ve been a shooter for the news for almost 30 years. When, I arrive at a scene, like a house fire, there is a lot happening, chaos, tears, shouts, and tragedy. When, I arrive the first thing to do is get shots of the flames. And yet almost immediately I connect to the surrounding chaos. I cut through it like a thick fog, and a stark clarity takes over my…

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An Energy Healing Experience That Creeped Me Out And Changed Everything!

An Energy Healing Experience That Creeped Me Out And Changed Everything!

Years ago Daniela attuned me into the mystical energy healing modality of Ra-Sheeba I didn’t know what to expect with this energy healing. I don’t have any expectations. But what happened was crazy. After it was all done, at first I didn’t know what to make of it, but I needed to find an explanation. If you haven’t heard of Ra-Sheeba it’s a very powerful section of the available Universal Healing Energy. The healing works directly on the Chakras. And it…

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How Animism And Shamanism Are Connected: An Amazing Way To Meditate

How Animism And Shamanism Are Connected: An Amazing Way To Meditate

What Animism is not I always thought that meditating in nature was part of shamanism. But this is more like Animism. Let me explain. I would spend time in nature, trying to connect with the world around me, with the hope of understanding shamanism. So once, when I was sitting under a tree meditating, a pinecone fell off a branch, and hit me on the head. It startled me, and I opened my eyes, and the meditation was over. At…

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4 Wise Sayings Truth In Random Wisdom

4 Wise Sayings Truth In Random Wisdom

Wise Sayings Truth, Some Random Wisdom We have a fun new website called random wisdoms. And you can get some Wise Sayings Truth in random wisdom there, just by clicking a button. But you can also get your daily tarot card. So we just wanted to have some fun, and build an unconventional one button website, which will give you some random wisdom. Because Random Wisdom Has Called You Here For A Reason Show Me A Random Wisdom Here are some…

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Shamanic Dancing Is Shamanic Journeying Through Dancing and Breathing

Shamanic Dancing Is Shamanic Journeying Through Dancing and Breathing

Shamanic Dancing Is A Certified Online Course There are so many different ways to do shamanic methods, like Shamanic dancing because there are so many different reasons to practise them. You might already know about my Shamanic Journeying courses, in which you can learn one of many different methods. You can learn how to visit spiritual worlds, how to find Power Animals, Symbols and Lost Souls. Now, I want to share another shamanic way of self discovery, and spiritual growth:…

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7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

My therapist was learning the Spiritual Energy Healing method of a past life regression. She wanted to try it out on me. I let her. And that was a mistake.   You might be thinking she screwed up some how with this spiritual energy healing… Or nothing happened during the experience… Or maybe I bailed on her, and the session ended abruptly… Those would have been easy problems to overcome. The truth is that this situation was even worse. I wish I…

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Free Tarot Course, Get An Amazing Taste Of How Easy It Can Be

Free Tarot Course, Get An Amazing Taste Of How Easy It Can Be

A few years ago I did my own Tarot reading to see if I would get laid off. It told me I would soon see new opportunity. It was a bit vague and scary. For me this was a bad Tarot result. The future was still unclear. So laid off? Yes? No? The suspense and worry only grew. The reading was bad. A new opportunity could mean anything. A layoff could be a new opportunity, but a frightening one. What if…

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How To Reiki: Can Reiki Warm Up A Glass Of Water? You Might Be Surprised: Reiki Energy Healing Of The Aura

How To Reiki: Can Reiki Warm Up A Glass Of Water? You Might Be Surprised: Reiki Energy Healing Of The Aura

How To Reiki: Warming up water is not something I would do with reiki energy. This is just a fun experiment. But The results might surprise you. Yesterday I tried to warm a glass of water with just level 1 reiki energy. It appeared to work: I raised the temperature by 2 degrees. Now that was not a controlled experiment, because the heat was on, the water came out of the tap under 15. So the water might have…

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How To: Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique

How To: Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique

How To: Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique   Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique, Click: Before doing this reiki technique we assume that you have been already initiated into the reiki energy of level one, and you are familiar with Reiki self-attunement preparation and completion methods. If not, get the online courses here. The purpose of this self treatment reiki session is to find out which part of your body needs the most attention. This is…

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How To: Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique

How To: Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique

Reiki Therapy, A Self Aura Scanning Technique Click: Before doing this reiki technique we assume that you have been already initiated into the reiki energy of level one, (or level ,2,3, for later videos) and you are familiar with Reiki self-attunement preparation and completion methods. If not, get the online courses here. The purpose of this self treatment reiki session is to find out which part of your body needs the most attention. This is very helpful if you…

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Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick! Click: to get our Sigil Magick Online Course Now! Do You love Magick and Witchcraft? Then be excited about our online course “Sigil Magick” Get it Now! This is our special course in learning a really powerful method of witchcraft. We have used this quite often to help us manifest our goals and wishes. This magical method is called Sigil Magick and it is a very old ritual, often used in the middle ages. The word Sigil…

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Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of AI

Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of AI

Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of Click now:… To explore the soul! Elon Musk, and others, are terrified of AI because AI, as we speak, continues to learn new patterns very quickly. Elon Musk is worried that human will not be able to control AI, and it will eventually outsmart us, and perhaps inadvertently start WW3. Here is the perceived problem with AI, which is potentially dangerous for humanity. AGI,…

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How Usui Reiki Symbols are Used In Level 2: Ch Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

How Usui Reiki Symbols are Used In Level 2: Ch Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

How Usui Reiki Symbols are Used In Level 2: Ch Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen How to Reiki: Click:… How Usui Reiki Symbols are Used In Level 2 Ch Ku Rei And More About the Symbols and their Mantras The Reiki Symbols are not secret anymore, but they are sacred. So we should use them with respect. Back in the days Reiki practitioners will generally not show the level II symbols to anyone who…

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How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma

How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma

How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma   Click: course:… to get FREE karma First let’s look at a past life regression. Have you ever had a pain somewhere in your body that wouldn’t go away? Have you ever wondered why, that no matter what you do, you never seem to get ahead in life? I did. Past life Karma can be the cause of both. Clearing Past Life…

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How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself

How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself

How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself How to reiki:… Let’s give Reiki to our 7 main charkas. This reiki treatment will energize the 7 chakras. It’s a self reiki treatment that you can do right now. We start at the top of the head, then third eye, throat, heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra. This method is perfect after your Reiki level 1 attunements, and at any time you…

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Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development. Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more! Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this calming,…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening   Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this…

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Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2 The Shamanic Journey From all the rituals that exist, the Shamanic Journey is very important in shamanic practises to bring healing and harmony on all levels of your being. A Shamanic Journey is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself,…

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Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1 What is Shamanism? Shamanism is a spiritual practice. We find Shamanism all over the world, with different practises, methods, rituals and beliefs. Shamanism is the experience and knowledge of our ancestors, who used the healing power of nature, the elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, the power of plants, animals and stones, to learn and help us for our highest wellbeing. Shamanism is the practical knowledge that sickness always…

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What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe

What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe

What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe What Is The Meaning Of Life? Click now: Biocentrism says that the separation between the universe and the one observing it does not exist at all. Robert Lanza’s theory is the closest science that aligns with many philosophers, sages, and spiritual gurus throughout the ages, who have tried to describe the universe when asking the age old question: what is the meaning of life? In…

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7 Bizarre Coincidences In The Mysterious Universe That Creates The Mystery Of Life

7 Bizarre Coincidences In The Mysterious Universe That Creates The Mystery Of Life

7 Bizarre Coincidences In The Mysterious Universe That Creates The Mystery Of Life Mysterious universe: Click: to find the mysteries of your spiritual self! Should life exist at all in the mysterious universe? Or does the mysterious universe need life to exist? Is the mysterious universe a spiritual projection, so to speak, of consciousness, and not solid 3 dimensional space? Let’s shed some light on a spiritual mysterious universe. The universe, our home, is magnificent and mysterious. Yet what…

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How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey? A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

7 Insane Reasons Why Lucky 7 Is Such A Mysterious Number

7 Insane Reasons Why Lucky 7 Is Such A Mysterious Number

7 Insane Reasons Why Lucky 7 Is Such A Mysterious Number Lucky 7? Click: get Matrix 7 now! Did you know that the number 7 is so insane that it shouldn’t even exist? The power of lucky 7 is astounding. But is there perhaps an explanation of why lucky 7 might be a lucky number? Is lucky 7 much more powerful and mysterious than we think? 7 insane reasons why the lucky 7 is so mysterious: 7: Did you…

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Are you an Energy Healer?

Are you an Energy Healer?

Are you an Energy Healer? Are you an Energy Healer? Are you looking for new tools that you can use for your healing sessions? Are you interested in helping people to balance mind, body, and spirit? Then the unique techniques you will learn here in this course is something for you! It doesn’t matter if you are a Reiki practitioner , Shaman, or a Medium, the main goal of any healing form is to bring balance to your energy, and…

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How To Create Karma You Love

How To Create Karma You Love

How To Create Karma You Love Many people misunderstand the concept of Karma. They think it has only to do with guilt and fault, and Karma is catching up to them in a negative way. They don’t know that Karma can also be positive and effect their future happiness as well. Karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. Simply speaking, good thoughts and good deeds create good karma and future happiness, while bad thoughts and bad deeds…

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Reiki Level 1 Refresher Course

Reiki Level 1 Refresher Course

Reiki Level 1 Refresher Course Reiki Level 1 Refresher Course. If you want to be a certified Reiki practitioner, please enroll our complete online Reiki 1 course. If you have already enrolled in our complete Reiki Level 1 course, then you won’t need to enroll in this course, because you have all the information already!

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Try It For FREE

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Try It For FREE

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Mini Course Shaman Healing: I invite you to try this course for FREE, which is a Preview of my course “How To Do A Shamanic Journey To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal” Do you feel drawn to Shaman Healing, but you are not sure if this is the right way for you to go? Of course, there are different ways of practicing Shaman Healing, and one of them is Shamanic Journeying. There are also…

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How To Connect With Your Spirit Guide FREE Preview Online Mini Course

How To Connect With Your Spirit Guide FREE Preview Online Mini Course

How To Connect With Your Spirit Guide FREE Preview Online Mini Course How To Connect With Your Spirit Guide FREE Preview Online Mini Course “Trance Healing” I invite you to this Mini course, which is a Preview of my Certified Trance Healing course. It will train your mediumship skill so you can find out How to connect with your spirit guide, but also ascended masters, helpers and angels. This is based on Trance Healing. Take a sneak peek to find…

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Spiritual Healing Medium: Trance Healing

Spiritual Healing Medium: Trance Healing

Spiritual Healing Medium: Trance Healing Spiritual Healing Medium: A Trance Healing Session: In Daniel’a course she includes these following meditations: Inner Peace Meditation Connecting To Your Spirit Friends Linking With Your Spirit Friends A Message From Your Spirit Friends Trance Healing For YourSelf Attunement To Become A Trance Healer Trance Healing For A Friend A Trance Healing session done by a trained Spiritual healing medium can be supportive in times when we are out of balance, for example when we…

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Trance Healing Development: What is Trance Healing?

Trance Healing Development: What is Trance Healing?

Trance Healing Development: What is Trance Healing? Trance Healing development: what is trance healing? In Trance healing development you’ll find a very powerful method of spiritual healing, because the healing energy comes directly from Spirit. Trance Healing is a form of Mediumship. Trance Healing development will train your powers of mediumship. Mediumship is the ability to connect to the spirit world, like Spirit Guides, Helpers, Ascended Masters and Angels. A Medium is the “Middleman” between a person, and the…

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A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners

A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners

A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners Click here to learn more: How to meditate for beginners: There are different ways of meditating. I will guide you now through a very short mediation, that you can do on a daily basis. How To Meditate For Beginners gives you s simple formula: When it’s time to meditate make sure, you’re in a quiet place. You can sit on a comfortable chair, with your arms resting comfortably. Your feet should…

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How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation

How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation

How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation How to find inner peace through a guided meditation: ​ This is a short but powerful meditation to let go of stress! Stress sucks. It’s good to know meditation exercises to let go of stress, as meditation is one of the best stress relievers, but there is a problem… Stress is the leading cause, or is related to, the enactment of many illnesses like: Heart disease, Asthma, Diabetes, headaches, depression and…

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Online Reiki Course: Do Distance Attunements Work?

Online Reiki Course: Do Distance Attunements Work?

Online Reiki Course: Do Distance Attunements Work? Online reiki course: If you can not attend a direct online reiki course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! We know your time is valuable. Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki course can be for example: – not enough time – having no possibility to get to a class, because there are no classes near by – physical problems –…

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Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation

Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation

Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation Shamanic Journey with drumming: healing with meditation drumming rhythms brings you to a higher consciousness, where healing can happen. It brings you to a relaxed state. It distracts you from all the thoughts you have, and it simply relaxes your busy mind, and your whole body. There is no doubt that Healing With Meditation drumming can have powerful physical effect on people. Drum therapy can help people with brain injuries or impairment,…

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Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get?

Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get?

Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get? ​Reiki Level 2: If you can not attend a direct Reiki level 2 course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! We know your time is valuable. Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki level 2 course can be for example -you are very busy -bad logisteics no close courses -physical problems -you don’t own a car -you hate looking…

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Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get?

Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get?

Reiki Level 2 Online Course, What Do You Get? Reiki Level 2: If you can not attend a direct Reiki level 2 course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! We know your time is valuable. Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki level 2 course can be for example -you are very busy -bad logisteics no close courses -physical problems -you don’t own a car -you hate looking…

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How To Learn Reiki Online: Level 2

How To Learn Reiki Online: Level 2

How To Learn Reiki Online: Level 2 Reiki Online, Learn Level 2: one part online, the other part directly with me, Daniela, in Calgary.​ If you live in Calgary or near by then now you have the possibility to learn Reiki at home online, but receive the attunements directly through me here in Calgary. We welcome you to our Reiki Calgary level 2 course. My name is Daniela. And I’m so honoured to tech this course together with my daughter…

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Reiki Symbols: Reiki Level 2 Techniques

Reiki Symbols: Reiki Level 2 Techniques

Reiki Symbols: Reiki Level 2 Techniques Reiki Symbols: ​ – Learn Reiki Level 2 Techniques – What is this course about? In this class you will learn different methods and techniques to work with the Reiki symbols. There is a lot you can do with Reiki Symbols, other than what most course teach you. I can show you some really cool advanced Reiki Level 2 Techniques. Maybe it’s time for you to expand on what you know? Why should you…

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Reiki Level 1 Online: Certified!

Reiki Level 1 Online: Certified!

Reiki Level 1 Online: Certified! Reiki Level 1 Calgary We guarantee that you will get 4 attunements for Reiki Level 1. this course provides you with lots of demo videos and reading material, on how to give Reiki to yourself and to others. At the end of the course you will get your certificate for Reiki Level 1. This course is fun and easy to learn. Reiki is simple, so keep it simple, and that’s what we’re going to do….

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Aura And Aura Meaning

Aura And Aura Meaning

Aura And Aura Meaning Aura: learn more! Understanding the aura is important for reiki! Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, and we call this an Aura. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects our Body, Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Being. In the aura teachings we often talk about how the aura consists of different ethereal bodies, or layers. These bodies are not fenced off, but flow into each other like the colors of the…

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Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?

Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?

Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?   Reiki Classes: If you can not attend direct Reiki classes for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! We know your time is valuable, and taking reiki classes can be time consuming. Reasons for not having the possibility to attend direct Reiki Classes can be for example – not enough time – having no possibility to get to a class, because there are…

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What Is Reiki? Questions and Answers, How Does It Work?

What Is Reiki? Questions and Answers, How Does It Work?

What Is Reiki? Questions and Answers, How Does It Work? What is Reiki: – Questions and Answers: learn more about Reiki! Does Reiki really work? What is Reiki? Can it hurt me? People have been reporting positive effects of Reiki since it was used by Usui. Reiki is now accepted by more and more medical professionals, hospitals, clinics and hospices as a helpful treatment option. If Reiki did not work it would have never lasted this long in society….

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What Is Negative Energy? How Is It Created?

What Is Negative Energy? How Is It Created?

What Is Negative Energy? How Is It Created? What is negative energy? ​First get rid of it: with this spiritual cleansing course. So what is negative energy? Negative energy is created, most of the time, through negative thoughts and emotions. Maybe you had a bad, stressful day, or you had an argument with your partner or your kids. Maybe they asked the same question: what is negative energy? Without realizing they helped to create it. All the thoughts, words…

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How To Do A Spiritual Cleansing Of Your House: Examples Of When To Do This?

How To Do A Spiritual Cleansing Of Your House: Examples Of When To Do This?

How To Do A Spiritual Cleansing Of Your House: Examples Of When To Do This? There is a lot of negative energy after break ups that need a spiritual cleansing, don’t you think? You can also do a spiritual cleansing to bring positive energy into your business, and to get new ideas. One spiritual cleansing that really worked for a friend of mine was when she wanted to sell her house. She had tried to do this once before, but…

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What Is Reiki Healing?

What Is Reiki Healing?

What Is Reiki Healing?   What Is Reiki Healing? ​Click here: This Certified Reiki Level 1 online Course with Distance Attunements will show you the way! Reiki Healing has been around for a while. The concept and word Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy. It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy,…

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To Create A Sacred Space And Cleanse Your Home Do A Spiritual Cleansing

To Create A Sacred Space And Cleanse Your Home Do A Spiritual Cleansing

How To Do A Spiritual Cleansing: get this Online Course: how to do a spiritual cleansing of your space, home, or business! I will show you, through a series of professional videos, how to get rid of negative energy in your house, and elsewhere. This course is great for people who want to know how to do a spiritual cleansing, and are healers, energy workers; and for anyone who wants to bring positive energy into their home or office…

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Shamanic Journey – Finding And Bringing Back Your Power Animal

Shamanic Journey – Finding And Bringing Back Your Power Animal

A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. I’ll show you how to do a Shamanic Journey, and connect with the spirits on the other side. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

Gratitude Meditation: Here Are Some Benefits Of Being Grateful

Gratitude Meditation: Here Are Some Benefits Of Being Grateful

Don’t you feel good when your are grateful? Don’t you feel happier, free, as if some blockage has been released? I know I do. Here are some benefits of being grateful, and using this gratitude meditation: -Your physical, emotional and social well being improves. -This gratitude meditation​ will help you to have greater optimism and happiness, -Being grateful improves feelings of connection in times of loss or crises -It increases feels of self-esteem -Heightened energy levels -Strengthens heart, immune system,…

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Binaural beats: Sacred Earth!

Binaural beats: Sacred Earth!

Binaural beats, Visit now:…… Sacred Earth: Binaural beats meditation! Ever heard of Binaural beats? This is a great binaural beats meditation! The Sacred Earth is here at last! This music is dedicated to the earth, and that’s why its called the SACRED EARTH. Let me tell you the deep earthy tones really touch the soul and connect you with mother earth. Through the application of special background tones (binaural beats), tones our ears can hardly hear by the way,…

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Meditation To Relieve Anxiety

Meditation To Relieve Anxiety

Meditation To Relieve Anxiety Anxiety is a bad thing. Anxiety does not have physical symptoms. Yet Anxiety causes nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. All of these things begin in your thought processes. These kinds of emotions can cause disorders that affect how we feel and behave, and then real physical symptoms can manifest. You can get ill. Why does a meditation to relieve anxiety help? Meditation To Relieve Anxiety, Find Your Inner Peace What is inner peace? It’s the absence…

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Spiritual Healing Fact Or Fiction?

Spiritual Healing Fact Or Fiction?

Spiritual Healing Can anyone promise healing? No. Not even your doctor. Healing is a personal thing. A lot of people don’t really want to be healed. Sure there are statistics, generalities, success percentages, and surgical procedures to help with speedy recoveries. But  no one can guarantee anything, let alone spiritual healing. For Some Spiritual Healing Is Fact For others it is fiction. It all depends on experience. Some have tried to heal spiritually, and nothing happens, others experience great healing. Sometimes physical…

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Augmented Reality Education For Spiritual Growth Can Be Easy And Fun

Augmented Reality Education For Spiritual Growth Can Be Easy And Fun

Augmented Reality Education Starts With Inner Peace Growing spiritually doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be a lot of fun too. Your augmented reality education can begin with a guided inner peace meditation. Many things can be taught through AR, spiritual knowledge and experiences too. Augmented reality for teaching and learning is a great and effective new technology. It works well for authentic inquiry, active observation, peer coaching, reciprocal teaching and legitimate peripheral participation with multiple modes of representation. Indeed,…

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What Is Modern Shamanism At It’s Core?

What Is Modern Shamanism At It’s Core?

Modern Shamanism Is Like Ancient Shamanism Some things never change. Technology changes, society changes, and people change, but in essence we still don’t know much about ourselves and the universe, and how it all makes any sense. Modern shamanism tries to make sense out of these big questions. Yet the word shaman is a loose term. It only describes a type of wiseman or women from a small geographical location. The word “shaman” probably originates from the Tungusic Evenki language…

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Free Guided Meditation Online Course

Free Guided Meditation Online Course

Free Guided Meditation Online Course Inner Peace is important. It will help you find your balance in life. Balance is the key to growing and becoming whole again. This free guided meditation online course will hep you to achieve inner peace. Get This 100% FREE Online Inner Peace Guided Meditation Course Now: Click! People love this course! James Samuel Myers: 5 stars! “Outstanding Meditation Course! Clear instructions and soothing guided practices make this the perfect meditation introduction. The Ho’oponopono meditations…

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What Is The Power Of Now?

What Is The Power Of Now?

What Is The Power Of Now? I’m not talking about the book. What is the power of now? Living without worry and fear is a big part of it. The book will help you with this too. The power of now is living in the moment. Basically, everything bad that has happened to you, or will happen to you, is not part of the moment. Worry, which creates fear, over come us when we are trapped in our minds, trapped…

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Ways To Find Inner Peace In Your Daily Life

Ways To Find Inner Peace In Your Daily Life

Ways To Find Inner Peace The easiest way to find inner peace is to allocate time each day to listen to a guided inner peace meditation. But what about ways to find inner peace in your daily work life? After all, the experiences that take you out of your inner peace are more then likely tied to work, and even some leisure activities. Everyone has to struggle with something during their daily life. So we need tools to combat stress, and…

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Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Take Time To Invest In Yourself, Not Just In The Stock Market There’s nothing wrong with making money and investing. But it can be daunting and stressful. You need to take time to invest in yourself. I know, when I was once a day trader, that there are two emotions that take over. One is greed, and the other is fear. Both are overwhelming, and insanely stressful. Some nights I couldn’t even sleep, worrying about losing my shirt. No wonder…

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Reiki For Babies Why Not?

Reiki For Babies Why Not?

Reiki For Babies My daughter just had a baby. I remembered that Reiki for babies is a great thing. Why? Reiki for babies is great because babies have pain and discomfort. Being a new born has its challenges. My daughters baby had Colic, and it was painful. Baby Colic is a bit of a mystery.  Quite out of the blue, the baby just starts crying terribly. Infant Colic is defined as episodes of crying for more than three hours a day, for…

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Augmented Reality App: 7 Spiritual Benefits

Augmented Reality App: 7 Spiritual Benefits

An Augmented Reality App That Helps To Create Inner Peace? Normally an augmented reality app offers a mixed reality of 3d objects. The objects are projected, so to speak, in the real world. You then can view the 3d objects from every angle. This is interesting, true, but what if that AR experience goes much further to create a strong core of calm and inner peace? What if the experience permeates your being, bringing more confidence and strength, even in times of struggle?…

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4 Basic Meditation Techniques And Why?

4 Basic Meditation Techniques And Why?

There are many reasons why you should meditate. Not only can it help with anxiety, high blood pressure and stress relief, it can connect you to your true self on a spiritual level. If you are new to meditation here are some Basic Meditation Techniques. First Basic Meditation Techniques Sit down comfortably. Some people lay down, but I don’t. Laying down might lead to sleep, and sleep is not meditation. Meditation is meant for you to be aware of changes which…

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How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

Spirituality is not easily defined. It’s a very broad concept, open to interpretation. There are many perspectives on this subject. The problem in getting a consensus is the fact that most people think it has something to do with a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. On top of that they are looking for the meaning in life. In some intuitive way we all know spirituality is something that connects us, but it’s hard to say how. The way…

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Shamanism Beliefs Often Cause Suffering

Shamanism Beliefs Often Cause Suffering

Do you like suffering? Do you want to learn shamanism, take part in a ritual? Does healing have to to be a painful experience? Often traditional Shamanism Beliefs and their rituals are connected to suffering. In Papua New Guinea you can take part in a traditional shamanistic ritual that involves isolation, fasting, and going without water for five days. Through a tough physical and psychological gruelling ritual the point of it is to enhance the participant’s creative powers. This is done…

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Meditation Teacher Killed In Minneapolis By The Cops?

Meditation Teacher Killed In Minneapolis By The Cops?

What? A Meditation Teacher Killed In Minneapolis by the cops? Really? Of all the headlines I’ve read in the past year, even from that insane new American president, this one seems like fake news to me. But sadly it’s not! It’s true! Apparently Justine Damond called police late Saturday night to report what she thought was a sexual assault occurring near the home she shared with her fiancé. She was trying to do the right thing, and be a law-abiding citizen, which…

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A Symbol For Karma That Might Surprise You

A Symbol For Karma That Might Surprise You

The eight spoked wheel, representing the karmic wheel of life is an easy symbol to understand. But I have another idea for a symbol for karma. It’s a modern symbol that represent the true purpose of karma. Symbol For Karma: The Ancient Kind The Triple Spiral symbol below was found at an ancient prehistoric site at Newgrange, in Ireland. It was originally a  neo-pagan Triple Goddess symbol. Today it’s a popular symbol to represent karma. It’s an interlocking never ending labyrinth of…

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What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

Are you somewhere? I mean do you feel like you exist in some kind of physical reality? Probably, right? The biggest misconception of meditation is that people with little experience think it’s all about being empty, in some kind of a self induced coma. I had a discussion with someone who thought this way, and thought it to be a horror scenario. Of course it was hard to argue with him, because the person in question was using pure logic,…

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Power Animals And Their Meaning Can Be Scary

Power Animals And Their Meaning Can Be Scary

Some shamanic journeys can be scary, if not dangerous for the shaman. A shamanic journey is usually done to bring healing, by successfully bringing back the soul. If the shaman does not succeed they can be in real danger. There is a risk of not being able to get back to reality. The shaman could go into permanent psychosis. In this way, power animals and their meaning become something different to the mini course you can take in this post. Power…

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Angel Number 222: Can Numbers Be Magical?

Angel Number 222: Can Numbers Be Magical?

Physicists and sages alike would consider numbers to be the language of God. Through complicated mathematical calculations, and numerology alike a higher structure and purpose to the universe seems to emerge. To some the angel number 222 might appear to be nothing more than glorified fortune cookie gibberish. Angel Number 222 To others the number is a guiding measure of what to aspire to spiritually to attain Earthly success. Numbers have the power to create things no matter how you…

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Shamanic Studies, Why Take An Online Course?

Shamanic Studies, Why Take An Online Course?

There is nothing more convenient than learning online. The shamanic studies that Daniela has laid out in her best selling course: How To Do A Shamanic Journey, is equal to any other shamanic studies you can learn offline, in my opinion. Shamanic Studies Are Just As Rewarding Online After I took this course, I found myself journeying to the middle world right away, to find and bring back my power animal. It works! What I love about learning shamanism online…

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When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase: How?

When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase: How?

In a post I wrote not long ago: on Mindfulness Meditation, I mentioned that when you observe everything as a whole, a meditative peace will follow.  But on top of this if you, at the same time, actively focus on the parts of the whole when you meditate creativity can be greatly enhanced. When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase The trick is to do open-monitoring meditation. This is a mindfulness meditation. You observe and note phenomena in the present moment, while…

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What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

A well balanced mind body soul connection is important to your holistic well being. To achieve this, meditation might be the ticket. There is more than just the spiritual benefits of meditation. Just take a look at this comprehensive list of benefits. The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation -Positive Energy -Lucid Dreaming -Inner Silence -Spiritual Awakening -We Are All One -Law Of Attraction -Remote Viewing -Access The Quantum -Higher Consciousness -Kundalini Rising -Awaken Intuition -Open Third Eye -Balance Chakras -Deepen Awareness…

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Mindfulness Meditation Tips: How To Watch And Become One

Mindfulness Meditation Tips: How To Watch And Become One

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. Being mindful is becoming the observer of all you are at once. This means you are in a state of active, open attention on the present.  You observe everything as a whole: your thoughts, feelings, everything within your senses, everything that is within consciousness. The trick is not to judge any of it, but just to let your life pass you by. Live in the moment of conscious awareness. These are my mindfulness…

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Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Can It Heal?

Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Can It Heal?

The healing power of drums should not be underestimate. There is something that grounds us and connects us to our primordial beginnings when the deep resonating vibrations of the beat hit us. Drums engulf our entire consciousness at this point. So a shamanic drumming meditation will help to activate your natural healing powers. Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Healing with Drums In Daniela’s How To Do A Shamanic Journey Online Course she covers the following meditation:“Healing with Drums Meditation” It’s attached to…

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Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

The land that gave us Dracula, is one of the most superstitious countries in the world. Working as a witch is for some a full time job, which, if you have the respect, pays very well. Superstition runs so high that even the government was frightened, for centuries, to tax the Romanian witches for their ancient and traditional livelihood. Today, however, the government finally went through with their Romanian witch tax. They will pay 16 percent income tax and make contributions…

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Online Shamanic Course, Try It For Free: Journey To The Middle World

Online Shamanic Course, Try It For Free: Journey To The Middle World

Ever wanted to do a shamanic journey, but couldn’t find a shaman in your area to teach you? Now you can take an online shamanic course. An Online Shamanic Course Is A Simple But Effective Way To Learn Daniela’s bestselling course: How To Do A Shamanic Journey, will teach you how to do a Shamanic Journey, to find and bring back your Power Animal. The economic way this course is set up means you won’t waste your time learning unnecessary stuff,…

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Energy Balancing System From The Tibetan Medicine

Energy Balancing System From The Tibetan Medicine

There is more than just reiki out there, a lot more. One energy balancing system based on a method from the Tibetan Medicine is now available online to learn. Take a look. Energy Balancing system For Body Mind And Spirit Energy healing is centred around harmonising and balancing your energy, and the energy of others. This new energy balancing system is based on the Tibetan Medicine. If you want to help people to balance mind body and spirit, this is a…

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Shaman Healing Of Ho’oponopono: The Healing Of Forgiveness

Shaman Healing Of Ho’oponopono: The Healing Of Forgiveness

The shaman was more than a healer in the traditional sense. Shaman healing is a central part, however, of what a shaman does. Healing can come in many forms. It can be done on an individual basis, on even collectively on a societal whole. One of the most interesting shaman healing ways for me is the Hawaiian forgiveness technique called: Ho’oponopono.  It’s fascinating because it concurs with Biocentrism. Shaman Healing With Ho’oponopono When I first learned how to do Ho’oponopono it took me a while…

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What Is The Soul Of Man?

What Is The Soul Of Man?

Defining the soul is kind of futile. What is the soul of man? That depends on what part of the world you come from, to which culture and belief system you belong to. Most people don’t really give it a second thought. The soul is illusive and difficult to pin down. Science has some generalized view of what the soul is. Religions are not always on the same page. What Is The Soul Of Man According To Science? Science will…

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