Aura And Aura Meaning
Aura And Aura Meaning
Aura: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0 learn more! Understanding the aura is important for reiki!
Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, and we call this an Aura. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects our Body, Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Being. In the aura teachings we often talk about how the aura consists of different ethereal bodies, or layers.
These bodies are not fenced off, but flow into each other like the colors of the aura. Aura meaning: not only do the aura colors signify your spiritual state, but there is more: The Four Energy Bodies/Layers related to the aura There are lots of teachings that state we have many energy levels.
But there are many ways to see the aura. Through further development of high frequency photography, in connection with computer technology, it is even possible today to produce a colour picture of a persons aura. People have been known to have the power to see auras too. The Aura is amazing! Click here: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0 to learn more.