Clearing Past Life Karma The Two Ways I Know

Clearing Past Life Karma The Two Ways I Know

Have you ever had a pain in your foot that wouldn’t go away? Have you ever wondered why, no matter what you do, you never seem to get ahead in life? I did. Daniela told me that she could help in clearing past life Karma that was the cause of both.

Clearing Past Life Karma

Clearing Past Life Karma With A Past Life Regression

For the pain in my foot she suggested a past life regression. So I agreed. What an experience! It worked.

What is a past life regression:

A past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. The idea is that the client is taken back to a traumatic death that is a memory, through which the pain was created in the past, and is connected to future lives. Reliving the trauma, is a way to recognize the reason for the pain, and thus releasing it.

Daniela does not use hypnosis, but trance instead. She thinks that her clients should be in control of the session, with the will to leave the past life regression whenever they feel the need. If the client is put under hypnosis this is not possible.

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  • I prefer the trance myself.

    My experience:
    It was intense. During my past life regression, I saw myself as a sailor, who, discovering a tropical island, ventured out, and stumbled into a river. There, my foot got caught between the rocks, and I struggled to release it, but drowned. The pain in my foot was excruciating, and I had difficulty breathing during the session. I felt paralyzed at on point.

    Going through the death was scary, but afterward, Daniela took me through it one more time, as if I was just observing it from above. This time, I felt no pain or suffering, and I was released into the light.

    After going through this traumatic death, the pain was gone in my foot! It was an amazing experience.

    Clearing Past Life Karma Through Journalling

    A past life regression is great for dealing with pain, but to change your life in a big way right now Daniela’s Karma clearing course is the way to go.

    She teaches you how to be in control of the one thing that is responsible for your future karma: your thoughts.

    It’s harder than you might think. The idea is to use a powerful journalling technique to understand your thoughts, what they create, and how they influence our life.

    A thought comes first before a deed. Both are important for creating positive karma.

    When I started journalling I saw the biggest changes in my life. Soon my work environment changed from acidic to jovial, soon I saw better relationships, and more money. I wouldn’t call it instant karma, but transforming negative thoughts into positive ones, and feeling grateful, made a huge difference in my day to day success.

    Clearing Past Life Karma, Take Action Now!

    Sign up and start creating Karma You love:

  • Karma Course: How To Create Karma You Love

    Improving Your Karma
    Full Video Course - Learn about Karma, and how to change it! 


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