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Category: Karma

Karma A Pattern, A Trap?

Karma is a bitch, and it’s beautiful. Both are true. It’s a teacher too. It teaches us how to live. Sadly, so few of us are listening. People just resign to what they think is a fact: it’s just bad luck, I’m trapped! On a karmic level, bad luck is the agent of karma playing-out in repetitive patterns in one’s life.

The trick is to create it on the fly, to give negative patterns new positive intent, creating a better outcome. This leads to so called bad luck, turning into good luck. In my opinion bad luck is just good luck in disguise, because it just wants to prove a point: time to change!

Perhaps it’s time to listen. Perhaps it’s time to change the way you think and act. Both are tied together. Change one the other will follow in order. If I can change, so can you.

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

My therapist was learning the Spiritual Energy Healing method of a past life regression. She wanted to try it out on me. I let her. And that was a mistake.   You might be thinking she screwed up some how with this spiritual energy healing… Or nothing happened during the experience… Or maybe I bailed on her, and the session ended abruptly… Those would have been easy problems to overcome. The truth is that this situation was even worse. I wish I…

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Free Tarot Course, Get An Amazing Taste Of How Easy It Can Be

Free Tarot Course, Get An Amazing Taste Of How Easy It Can Be

A few years ago I did my own Tarot reading to see if I would get laid off. It told me I would soon see new opportunity. It was a bit vague and scary. For me this was a bad Tarot result. The future was still unclear. So laid off? Yes? No? The suspense and worry only grew. The reading was bad. A new opportunity could mean anything. A layoff could be a new opportunity, but a frightening one. What if…

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How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma

How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma

How To Change Your Life With A Past Life Regression, And Journaling Bad Karma For Good Karma   Click: course:… to get FREE karma First let’s look at a past life regression. Have you ever had a pain somewhere in your body that wouldn’t go away? Have you ever wondered why, that no matter what you do, you never seem to get ahead in life? I did. Past life Karma can be the cause of both. Clearing Past Life…

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Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development. Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more! Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?…

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How To Create Karma You Love

How To Create Karma You Love

How To Create Karma You Love Many people misunderstand the concept of Karma. They think it has only to do with guilt and fault, and Karma is catching up to them in a negative way. They don’t know that Karma can also be positive and effect their future happiness as well. Karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. Simply speaking, good thoughts and good deeds create good karma and future happiness, while bad thoughts and bad deeds…

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Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

If you think you’re always busy, you need to transform these thoughts, otherwise you will not get out of this negative loop. Do you need a positive thinking tip? I’m writing about this, because I was plagued with thoughts like this: “Oh yeah, I have so much to do! I wish I could be in many places at once to clean, cook, wash cloths, look after my grandchild; and then there’s the marketing to do, create videos for my courses, create music, not…

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Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Sometimes I hear spiritual healers saying: When I give a healing session, I often feel awful afterwards. Or: I often get the same illness or problems as my client.  Why does this happen? The healer wants to help, but as a result they feel out of balance, or sick? When I hear healers saying this, I ask the following question: What is the balance between giving and receiving? What do you get for your work? Guess how they ALWAYS answer?…

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A Symbol For Karma That Might Surprise You

A Symbol For Karma That Might Surprise You

The eight spoked wheel, representing the karmic wheel of life is an easy symbol to understand. But I have another idea for a symbol for karma. It’s a modern symbol that represent the true purpose of karma. Symbol For Karma: The Ancient Kind The Triple Spiral symbol below was found at an ancient prehistoric site at Newgrange, in Ireland. It was originally a  neo-pagan Triple Goddess symbol. Today it’s a popular symbol to represent karma. It’s an interlocking never ending labyrinth of…

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What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

Are you somewhere? I mean do you feel like you exist in some kind of physical reality? Probably, right? The biggest misconception of meditation is that people with little experience think it’s all about being empty, in some kind of a self induced coma. I had a discussion with someone who thought this way, and thought it to be a horror scenario. Of course it was hard to argue with him, because the person in question was using pure logic,…

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Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

The land that gave us Dracula, is one of the most superstitious countries in the world. Working as a witch is for some a full time job, which, if you have the respect, pays very well. Superstition runs so high that even the government was frightened, for centuries, to tax the Romanian witches for their ancient and traditional livelihood. Today, however, the government finally went through with their Romanian witch tax. They will pay 16 percent income tax and make contributions…

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What Is The Soul? And What Happens To It After Death?

What Is The Soul? And What Happens To It After Death?

This question is a big one to answer. What is the Soul? Is it eternal? After death, what happens to it? What does science have to say about it? What Is The Soul, Spiritually? Most religions around the world agree that we individual humans possess a soul. The soul is the container of who we are. It’s our essence, which carries our good behaviour or sins, or karma. It somehow differentiates us from all the other souls. And if judgement…

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Top 10 Karma Quotes I Found On Pinterest

Top 10 Karma Quotes I Found On Pinterest

Here are some more karma quotes, this time some I found on Pinterest. Just remember that if you feel like a victim, it’s because you have been victimizing others. When karma hits you hard, say thank you, and learn from it. If you haven’t already been working hard at creating karma you love, now is the time. Use your bad karma as a lesson, take a different path, move on to better future experiences. Gratitude for bad karma is as…

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Karma Sayings: Top 10 And Quotes You Might Not Have Read Before

Karma Sayings: Top 10 And Quotes You Might Not Have Read Before

Sayings and quotes are fun, and they’re great because simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. If complex ideas can be broken down into one sentence, for me this is ZEN. When reading Karma sayings and quotes it usually pertains to revenge. And they’re funny like: “Karma is a good judge of character, and you my friend are screwed”. But Karma is not about revenge, or good karma VS bad karma 10 Karma Sayings: 1. “Karma is not good or bad it’s…

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What Is Money Consciousness? Take These 2 Steps To Get The Answer

What Is Money Consciousness? Take These 2 Steps To Get The Answer

First of all what is consciousness? The short answer is: no one knows, certainly not science. Science just looks at the mechanical details, like where memory is stored, what part of the brain is intuitive, things like that. Spiritual gurus talk in broader terms.  It’s the life force of awareness that binds all experience together. I can see that the gurus are closer to some kind of explanation. But when I ask the question: what is money consciousness? First I…

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Karma And Science And The Cosmic Easter Bunny

Karma And Science And The Cosmic Easter Bunny

There is so much we don’t know. If you look into the old Newtonian paradigm of science, where we try to understand the universe, purely through measurements and physics it becomes a slippery slope. To some, the concept of Karma sounds ridiculous, especially to science. But what do Newtonian physicists have to offer? Karma And The Cosmic Easter Bunny A Universe that suddenly, and instantly exploded into being through some cosmic karma, trillions and trillions of tons of mass instantly appearing…

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Clearing Past Life Karma The Two Ways I Know

Clearing Past Life Karma The Two Ways I Know

Have you ever had a pain in your foot that wouldn’t go away? Have you ever wondered why, no matter what you do, you never seem to get ahead in life? I did. Daniela told me that she could help in clearing past life Karma that was the cause of both. Clearing Past Life Karma With A Past Life Regression For the pain in my foot she suggested a past life regression. So I agreed. What an experience! It worked….

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Good Karma Bad Karma: Is There Any Karma In-Between?

Good Karma Bad Karma: Is There Any Karma In-Between?

Some people live average lives. They never experience anything really bad, nor do they see great success. It seems that they don’t have good karma bad karma, just status quo karma. But wait! This is a trap! Good Karma Bad Karma, Status Quo  Karma? There really isn’t any karma in-between. If nothing seems to be happening in your life, if you’re not changing and developing toward enlightenment, you might be stuck. Many people experience status quo karma, so to speak, in that…

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Karma And Time And How We Are Fooling Ourselves

Karma And Time And How We Are Fooling Ourselves

Looking at Karma from a Biocentrist point of view, it’s important to understand that space and time are part of animal understanding only. Karma and time have no real connection. Is Karma And Time Connected Through Our Perceptions? The ticking of a clock is not time, just a rhythmic way to make comparisons between events, like planetary movements, and the changing of the seasons. Karma doesn’t exist in linear time. It’s just that forward flowing time lines are all we…

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Good Karma VS Bad Karma And The Theory Of Everything

Good Karma VS Bad Karma And The Theory Of Everything

Would you rather have good Karma or bad Karma? Which Karma is the better teacher? Good karma vs bad karma vs the source of all that is: how does it fit together? Good Karma VS Bad Karma Does Karma really exist? Is the Universe really out there? Werner Heisenberg once said that “Reality is not “there” with definite properties waiting to be discovered, but depending upon the actions of the observer”. Thus, Quantum physics says that reality comes into existence…

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Clean Your Karma In The Darkest Places?

Clean Your Karma In The Darkest Places?

Would you like to live in a state of bliss, harmony and abundance? Do you want infinite possibilities revealed to you that you didn’t know existed? Would you like to bring real positive change into your life? Do you want to clean your karma? Do You want to learn how for FREE? Clean Your Karma It’s Never Too Late FACT: Changing your karma will open up infinite possibilities. When your Karma is bad, it’s really hard to see the positive…

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Get Rid Of Bad Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love!

Get Rid Of Bad Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love!

Can you really get rid of bad karma? Can it be life Changing? Daniela Hills thinks so. And she’s right! She’s been working on developing some amazing online courses for you to take for FREE! Daniela is my Guru, and let me tell you that I’ve taken all of her courses, and they work! Get Rid Of Bad Karma Turning bad into good is a basic human desire. The secret to experiencing the best situations possible in your life, is…

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How To Get Good Luck Though Karma

How To Get Good Luck Though Karma

Looking at luck from a spiritual point of view, good luck is the absence of bad Karma. If you want to know how to get good luck, you have to know how Karma works. The concept of Karma can get complicated, depending on which school of thought we delve into. Lets make this simple. How To Get Good Luck: The Karma Connection On the surface, Karma is cause and effect. Your thoughts and deeds lead to a karmic result, which…

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Change Bad Karma: How And Why?

Change Bad Karma: How And Why?

Does bad karma really exist? Everyone wants to change bad karma, but what does science say about it? Looking at karma through the lens of Biocentrism, which is a real scientific–not New Age philosophy–theory of everything, Karma is simply a potential information field. Of course, Biocentrism is not based on New Age Philosophy. It’s science. This is my interpretation. I’ll show you 5 subtle reasons to change bad karma, which you might not have considered. But first lets look into Biocentrism….

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Biocentrism Life consciousness Are Keys To Understanding True Nature Of The Universe

Biocentrism Life consciousness Are Keys To Understanding True Nature Of The Universe

Is the world flat? No! Does life create the universe, not the other way around? Yes! That crazy quantum theory is back, this time with a paradigm that can be as significant to the human race, as when we finally found out that the world is round. The new theory is called Biocentrism, created by the worlds third most important scientist: Robert Lanza. Apparently in Biocentrism life consciousness are keys to understanding true nature of the universe. This time our…

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What Causes Bad Karma 90% Of The Time?

What Causes Bad Karma 90% Of The Time?

You cause your own bad karma 90% of the time, but are you aware of it? I personally never gave my karma a single thought for years. I ignored it when life was good, and thought it was something  I just deserved for once. When life was bad, I wondered why I had such bad luck all the time, and thought to myself: “that’s life, accept it.” Then I read up on Karma, and realized that negativity, not necessarily deeds,…

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How To Get Good Luck: 5 Reasons To Cleanse Your Karma?

How To Get Good Luck: 5 Reasons To Cleanse Your Karma?

How can you control your luck? Do you want to live a quality life? Is this even possible? I’ll show you how to get good luck, through a spiritual online course, and 5 reasons to cleanse your karma. The title gives it away. Your luck will change once you change your karma. But will your luck change right away?   How To Get Good Luck Getting control over your karma is easy, and difficult at the same time. Once you’ve mastered…

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When Do You Know When Good Karma Is Your Karma?

When Do You Know When Good Karma Is Your Karma?

When I doubt, I begin to understand my Karma. When good Karma is your Karma it feels right. You just know it’s good. Yet for me to fully understand Karma, first I had to learn how to doubt the concept of good and bad. Feelings arise through a fulfilled expectation. But when my expectations are not met, I begin to doubt. Yet it’s the wisdom of doubt. Good Karma, and bad Karma are symbolic for: lesson learned: reward. When Good…

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Getting Positive Karma Now: Learn How To Create The Karma You Love

Getting Positive Karma Now: Learn How To Create The Karma You Love

We all struggle with negative karma. I know I do. Getting positive karma now is possible. You can control your karma outcomes through a bit of mental discipline: observing your thoughts. Getting Positive Karma Now The root of your karma begins with you, and so does the ultimate outcome. Most people just let their karma effect them, and perhaps that’s just fine, if all you have created is positive karma. But good karma is just one side of the coin….

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How To Change Your Karma For The Better?

How To Change Your Karma For The Better?

Change is not good, it’s necessary! The one thing we can say about the universe is that it’s in a constant state of change. If you change, you will be in tune with the universe, and the universe will reward you. A good way to do this is to change your karma for the better, but how? How To Change Your Karma For The Better There’s two ways that I know of, through which you can change your karma for…

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Who Can Help You To Stop Bad Luck?

Who Can Help You To Stop Bad Luck?

No one wants bad luck. Everyone wants to stop bad luck too. But that’s easier said than done. People believe that it’s their fate to suffer. The truth is that their suffering becomes their fate, if they don’t accept, actively deal with, and change their karma. If you just let your karma take over your life, you will get trapped in bad luck situations, again and again. In this case, you need help. Look at it this way: bad luck…

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What Do You Need For Clearing Past Life Karma?

What Do You Need For Clearing Past Life Karma?

There are two ways we deal with past life karma. One is doing a past life regression, which will not be the focus of this post. The other way is actively applying intent to your karma, in order to change it in real time.  Clearing past life karma might not be easy. It’s a process, a mental exercise that a lot of people find difficult. But there is a free course. Why Would Clearing Past Life Karma Be Helpful? Getting…

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How To Create Good Karma

How To Create Good Karma

Karma is a spiritual system of cause and effect. Good Karma belongs to this system, as does bad karma. Delving into this world of spiritual causality can get very complex on a theological and metaphysical level, considering that there are many schools of  thought applied to this basic spiritual law. Karma takes on a different twist in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism; and there is reception in other traditions like Sikhism, Shintoism, Taoism, and Falun Gong. Some say that even in the…

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Can You Get Rid Of Past Life Karma?

Can You Get Rid Of Past Life Karma?

On the surface, karma kind of sucks. We would all like to get rid of past life karma. But is that even possible? What Is Past Life Karma? Past life karma is an echo of your thoughts, deeds, and things you say in past lives. This karma becomes a recurring situation, so to speak, in your future lives. It can be good or bad actions and thoughts, that are turned into life lessons. The past life karma we want to get…

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Why Is Bad Karma A Trap?

Why Is Bad Karma A Trap?

The Lotus is a perfect symbol for Karma. It has the seed inside of it, and yet it blooms. The seed is like the seeds we sow in life, and symbolizes the cause. The flower that blooms so easily is like the karma we receive, the effect. Yet the Lotus is a pure beauty when fully bloomed. This tells us that if we grow the same way, and share our good karma, we can stay pure when circumstances get dirty…

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What Is Instant Karma?

What Is Instant Karma?

Karma is a powerful spiritual law. Can it be created in an instant? The song “Instant Karma!” written by John Lennon, took only ten days to write and produce, which isn’t instant, but really fast for a  pop song. In reality, karma is always created in an instant, but theoretically play-out in the future. What Is Instant Karma Can Karma play-out the instant you create it, in this life? It’s possible. Karma is an echo in time, a cosmic depository…

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What Is Past Life Karma?

What Is Past Life Karma?

On a Karmic level, we are always being taught. What is past life karma? A teacher. It teaches us by being repetitive. It not just to cause you pain; but to teach you to take different actions for different results. It can be positive too. What Is Past Life Karma? Past life karma is comprised, in part, of the things we didn’t accomplish in the past lives we have lived. It’s the whole of your deeds, thoughts and intent. It’s the baggage…

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What Does Karma Mean?

What Does Karma Mean?

Karma means a lot of things to a lot of different people. In it’s literal interpretation it means: ‘action, work or deed.” But what else does Karma mean? On a spiritual level it’s: ’cause and effect.’ Good intent and good deeds will create good karma, and future happiness. The same way bad intent and bad deeds create bad karma and future suffering. It some way it has a lot to do with rebirth. Karma in the present, affects one’s future…

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3 Powerful Ways To Get Good Luck

3 Powerful Ways To Get Good Luck

Experiencing bad luck, or good luck is based on your point of view. To change your point of view will change your opinion about luck. It’s purely a perception. Example: I had a money making blog that got into a legal mess, which seemed out of my control, and it had to be shut down! I lost a lot of money. Wow! Was that bad luck or good luck? Believe it or not, there are ways to get good luck out…

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How To Build Your Karma You Love

How To Build Your Karma You Love

If Karma was a bridge would you have to build it? Yes! We are building the edifice of our Karma constantly, repetitively. If you want to build your karma to be a structure of beauty, then it has to be built with positive thinking. Unfortunately people are building it not consciously. Karma is built by thoughts, which become actions. Often our thoughts are more negative than positive, leading to a Karma construction that has a terrible foundation. Karma And Bad…

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Why Are Good Luck Symbols Powerful?

Why Are Good Luck Symbols Powerful?

Writing something down, putting an image to it, keeping it focused in your mind will give it the power on intention. This is how you create good luck symbols. Positive or negative intention has been given to charms, amulets, statues, drawings, symbols and more, for centuries, to create an effect for bringing financial success, warding off evil, or revenge.  The trick to making a symbol have good luck is in the intention. Some Good Luck Symbols: 1. Acorns 2. Alligator Teeth…

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Learn Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love?

Learn Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love?

This new online course is for everyone struggling with bad luck, and situations in life that could be improved for the better. Spiritually speaking, each person is the captain of their pain, or joy. It’s up to you how you want to sail the waters of life, so to speak. Check out this cool new powerful course: How To Create The Karma You Love! I took this from the course descriptions: Learn Karma Today Is Karma Real? Here are some…

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Bad Luck Myths: Why They Exist?

Bad Luck Myths: Why They Exist?

People need explanations. Throughout history those who have experienced ill fate have invented bad luck myths. Bad luck comes in many forms. Personally, I think that we’re responsible for our luck on a spiritual level, and there is something you can do to get rid of it. Typical Bad Luck Myths I’m sure you have heard some of these common myths: – Breaking mirrors will bring you 7 years of bad luck. – Crossing the path of a black cat…

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How To Get Rid Of Bad Luck

How To Get Rid Of Bad Luck

Are we lucky, or is it fate? Do we live in a random universe, or is it deterministic? Can we start determining our own fate? How to get rid of bad luck? For me, I think we live in both realms at once. Our fate is determined by random events we attract through the karma we have collected, through our thoughts and actions, along the way. If you do not actively work to change your fate, then, in this way,…

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