Trance Healing Development: What is Trance Healing?
Trance Healing Development: What is Trance Healing?
Trance Healing development: what is trance healing? https://goo.gl/SoHABQ In Trance healing development you’ll find a very powerful method of spiritual healing, because the healing energy comes directly from Spirit.
Trance Healing is a form of Mediumship. Trance Healing development will train your powers of mediumship. Mediumship is the ability to connect to the spirit world, like Spirit Guides, Helpers, Ascended Masters and Angels. A Medium is the “Middleman” between a person, and the spirit world.
In Trance Healing development, the Medium becomes a channel for the Healing energy that comes from spirit guides, helpers, angels, and Ascended Masters. In this way Trance healing is a lot like Reiki. In Reiki the practitioner becomes a channel for the energy. In Trance Healing, the energy is channeled from spirit guides, helpers, ascended masters, and angels through the healer.
A Trance Healing session can be supportive in times when we are out of balance, for example when we experience high stress or emotional problems. Trance Healing works on the emotional, mental and spiritual level, more than on physical problems. Yet physical problems are still included if they are attached to emotional, mental or spiritual issues.
Before a Trance Healing, the Medium goes into a deep meditation to reach a state of trance, in order to link with their Spirit Friends, like spirit Guides and helpers. In this process, the energy fields of the Medium and the Spirit Friends will blend. Then the healing energy is transferred from spirit, through the aura of the medium, to the client. Clients experience varies.
Through a Trance Healing development session, the client may experience: Stress relief Less pain Extreme calmness A deeper connection with Spirit Focus More energy More balance Closure Enlightenment Through Trance Healing development you’ll see that it’s perfect for spiritual Self Healing, but you can help your friends, or clients also through a face to face session or distance session. Learn more: https://goo.gl/SoHABQ