Karma And Science And The Cosmic Easter Bunny

Karma And Science And The Cosmic Easter Bunny

There is so much we don’t know. If you look into the old Newtonian paradigm of science, where we try to understand the universe, purely through measurements and physics it becomes a slippery slope. To some, the concept of Karma sounds ridiculous, especially to science. But what do Newtonian physicists have to offer?

Karma And The Cosmic Easter Bunny

A Universe that suddenly, and instantly exploded into being through some cosmic karma, trillions and trillions of tons of mass instantly appearing from nothing? Is that it? At least God took 7 days to do it.

The gigantic improbability that life just randomly sprung out of this magical, almost fairytale explanation, is absurd. Just by changing the power of gravity by a fraction would mean no life at all, because none of the planets and stars could have formed. No chance at all!

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  • Science might as well say that the universe was created in 7 days, or a race of cosmic fairies created it, or it was the Easter Bunny!

    Make no mistake, Newtonian science has no real explanation for reality. Nor does Quantum physics, although this poorly understood science seems to be closer to the truth.

    Karma And The Big Bang

    In this way, karma can be just as real as the big bang, right? The one new science that I consider remotely close to explaining karma is Biocentrism.

    It says that life creates the universe, not the other way around.

    This means that the unrealistic, randomness of our existence suddenly makes sense. Why? Because if consciousness creates the universe, then of course the measurements we take will always add up to point toward our existence, otherwise we would not be here. Consciousness has to offer an explanation.

    In Biocentrism, time and space are just tools of consciousness to string together events. We carry time and space around with us like a turtle shell. Yet when that shell is taken off, the turtle is left behind. That turtle is consciousness. It never dies. Our karma is kept within the eternal experience of consciousness. To me, karma is more real than the cosmic Eater Bunny, who took a deep breath, and created all of us in one big poop!

    How To Create Karma You Love:

  • Karma Course: How To Create Karma You Love

    Improving Your Karma
    Full Video Course - Learn about Karma, and how to change it! 


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