Anxiety And Meditation And The Prison Of Social Media

Anxiety And Meditation And The Prison Of Social Media

Do you feel stressed? Is it hard to keep up with all the social media messages? Do you need to unwind? I know I do, all the time. In fact I need to unwind more and more these days. Meditation might seem a bit out-dated in our fast moving, media driven technologically advance world, of the MineCrafter generation. But beating anxiety through meditation is more relevant then ever. Anxiety and meditation are opposite poles. One can destroy the other!

Anxiety And Meditation

Anxiety And Meditation: The Endless Feed

Before the internet and the rise of social media, there was TV.

TV might turn people into living room zombies true, but at least it’s a passive, relaxing form of media.  Social media can create a large amount of anxiety, just trying to keep up with it. Social media never takes a break.

In the old days, TV programs went to sleep, so to peak. If you’re old enough, you might remember that TV stations used to sign off the air overnight. The transmitter would be shut down, and the picture would go to static.

At that point, it was time for even the mot hardcore living room zombie to get some shut-eye.

Today there is no relief from the consent social media feed. We sit there transfixed, as if in a hypnotic state, starring at the endless social media feed, endlessly scrolling down to see more.  We are constantly reminded of old friends birthdays, people you probably have little in common with today, yet feel the social pressure to wish them all the best. Depending on how many fiends you have on FB, this can get overwhelming.

Social media can be like  a prison. It’s a cage of the mind, where the prisoners are on a treadmill, always having to keep up; yet it’s almost an impossible task, because keeping up never ends.

This creates anxiety!

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  • Meditating is a powerful and beautiful way off of the treadmill. It’s one of the oldest mental safe guards in the world.  Thus, it will save you!

    I think it’s more relevant today than it ever has been, and that’s why it’s become so popular. Meditation is your escape pod from the endless feed. Take it, and be FREE!

    The Benefits Of Beating Anxiety With Meditation:

    Meditation training: improves a wide range of willpower skills, including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control and self-awareness. It changes both the function and structure of the brain to support self-control. For example, regular meditators have more gray matter in the prefrontal cortex.

    -Meditation is the perfect way to manage anxiety, and empty your mind of the endless feed.

    -Meditation will shut the transmitter down, so to speak, and the picture will become a gentle relaxing, soft static experience of letting go.

    Manage Anxiety: Take Action Now!

    Like I said, anxiety and meditation are opposite sides of the coin. Let Meditation destroy your anxiety. Find your inner peace now:

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