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Category: Intuition

What is life? A Bizarre Reality, But How?

What is life? A Bizarre Reality, But How?

We live is a bizarre reality. So What is life? Even today, even after being able to pull it apart and examine it through a microscope and in laboratories, science still does not have the definition for what is life, let alone the meaning of life, let alone what consciousness is in our bizarre reality. Life, because it is such a complex system of things, with so many interacting parts, each of which is essential, is really tough to make a…

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Intuitive Thinking During An Outbreak, But Not When I Go Shopping, Why?

Intuitive Thinking During An Outbreak, But Not When I Go Shopping, Why?

Intuitive thinking is something I do at work but not otherwise Intuitive thinking is an odd thing. Normally you would think that someone who is an Intuitive thinker would always be so. But it’s not true. I know from experience. I’m not very intuitive when I go shopping. Another Example, I work as a news photographer, and over the years I have learned to trust my intuition. Yet, something I realized the other day, when I was covering an outbreak,…

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Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This?

Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This?

Intuitive Empath, What Kind Of Person Is This? An empath feels what another person is experiencing. The intuitive empath connects to, and becomes like someone, in-order to have inner sight and understanding of them? The intuitive empath is open to receive physical information about someone. In this way an intuitive empath can know what is ailing people, where their physical suffering originates from. Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without conscious reasoning. It gives the empath direct access to…

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Trust Your Instincts? Why Wouldn’t You? Instinct vs Intuition!

Trust Your Instincts? Why Wouldn’t You? Instinct vs Intuition!

Should you trust your instincts? You really have no choice then to trust your instincts. Instinct is a part of who you are. The bigger questions is: do you trust your intuition? Instinct and intuition are not the same thing. Ever notice that intuitive decision making happens instantaneously? I have. When I’m at work, I’m a news photographer, something amazing often happens. When I arrive at a crime scene, if there is a group of people watching the action, something tells…

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Can You Trust Your Gut Feeling? Can Intuition Be Measured?

Can You Trust Your Gut Feeling? Can Intuition Be Measured?

Is a Gut Feeling Better than logic? Until recently the notion of making decisions based on intuition, or a “gut feeling,” an “inner voice” or a “sixth sense,” was considered by rational, logic oriented thinkers as nonsense. For the rational mind intuition belongs in the realm of unicorns and rainbows, and isn’t real. Intuition for many people is just something we imagine existing, but it has always been impossible to quantify scientifically. Yet a new scientific study strongly suggests that…

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Intuition Meaning, Why Is It Mysterious?

Intuition Meaning, Why Is It Mysterious?

Intuition Meaning, What Is Intuition? Intuition meaning is ambiguous to say the least.  Because no one can say what Intuition is, where it comes from, or how it works exactly. So it is a mystery. Different cultures have different views of what intuition is all about. So it has remained in the realm of philosophy and spooky mysticism forever, until recently. Because science has, in fact, found a way to measure the intuition itself, but that will be for a…

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Intuition VS Logic: How Do I Know When My Logic Is Incorrect?

Intuition VS Logic: How Do I Know When My Logic Is Incorrect?

Intuition, What Is It? Intuition is important for what I do. I’ve been a shooter for the news for almost 30 years. When, I arrive at a scene, like a house fire, there is a lot happening, chaos, tears, shouts, and tragedy. When, I arrive the first thing to do is get shots of the flames. And yet almost immediately I connect to the surrounding chaos. I cut through it like a thick fog, and a stark clarity takes over my…

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