Learn Reiki Online And Become Reiki Healer, Are You Following Your Calling?

Learn Reiki Online And Become Reiki Healer, Are You Following Your Calling?

What is your calling? Should you learn reiki online, and become reiki healer?

When I learned reiki I really didn’t think I had been called to do so. I just did it out of curiosity. On the other hand, I had a pain in my foot. And I didn’t really know what to do about it as nothing seemed to help. Later, I would learn reiki online and become reiki healer.

But before that, I would go to work in such pain in my foot that I was useless at doing my job.

So when Daniela gave me my first reiki session, years ago, it was a life changing experience.

I had no expectations of what would happen during the session. But I really felt it. Afterwards I felt like I had smoked a joint and my knees were weak, and I had to laugh. It felt like something had been released in me, and now I was free, and I had become a new person.

It was an amazing experience!

So I decided to learn reiki myself; and it really helped to ease the pain in my foot. I felt that reiki had talked to me, and told me to follow, to become part of the universal energy.

So I learned reiki face to face, it was great. But I helped Daniela to test her online reiki courses, and I have to say that they are just as good as a face to face course, and in some ways even better, because I can always go back and refer to the material of all the reiki levels, if I need to refresh my memory.

So how do you know you should learn reiki online and become reiki healer? How do you know you are following your calling?

Well, first of all you are here, you found Lina and Daniela, you made an intuitive decision to search for their reiki online course. So you probably have a good feeling about becoming a reiki healer. You have already done your research.

But here is a tip to make sure you are following your calling.

The simplest way that will tell you if reiki is your calling, is to ask yourself a simple question: what would I do, as a job, that I would do for free? If you would do reiki for free you know that it is your calling.

Also stop living in the future, live in the present

If you feel like you need to learn reiki online and become reiki healer, then start now. Don’t worry about the future. Take it, one step at a time, and everything will fall into place, effortlessly as you go along. If it’s your calling you will soon know.

Try reiki first

Unless you try on the outfit, you’ll never know if it fits. Do the same with reiki. You’ll need to try it first, to see if it is right for you.

Does learning reiki online, and becoming a reiki healer, seem like a great opportunity for you?

Say yes to the things that intrigue you, instead of the ones that bore you. If reiki is intriguing to you, then your are on the right path.

Don’t plan it, follow your intuition

Your life will not go according to plan. Nobody’s ever has. So don’t worry if you get off track. The track was imaginary anyway. Learn to trust and follow your intuition. It will always lead you in the right direction.

Are you following someone else’s dream?

Everyone in society, including your family, want you to be something that they imagine you should be. Follow your own path, your own dreams, follow your calling, learn reiki online, and become reiki healer, if that is what YOU want!


Not everyone can do a direct Reiki course.

If you don’t have enough time, or the possibility to get to a face to face class, because there are no classes nearby; or if you want to save money, but still get the same high quality, certified course, and personal attunements, then learn reiki online with Lina and Daniela.

Now that you have found a great place to learn reiki online, and become reiki healer, now you can:

Listen To Your Calling. Open The GATE. Follow the LIGHT. That’s what GateLightELearning.com is all about. Access your Divine Light within!

Daniela’s ONLINE COURSES Are For SPIRITUAL FINDERS And SPIRITUAL SEEKERS who want to be, or who already are Energy Healers, Reiki Practitioners, Reiki Masters, Shamans, Psychics, or who want to just find balance in life. CLICK HERE Learn reiki now!

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