Why Is This Online Shamanism Course So Good?

Why Is This Online Shamanism Course So Good?

I love this online Shamanism course! It is super easy to understand, anyone can do it! There aren’t a lot of online shamanism courses as far as I know, but look no further: this one is awesome!

Who should take this course

If you are one of those people like me who love to delve into the depths of the great mysteries of the spiritual realm, this course is for you.

An Online Shamanism Course For Shamanic Healing

This course is for students who want to take a closer look at shamanic ritual and shamanic healing, and in fact experience it, first hand, without having to walk on hot embers, or walk naked through the desert, so to speak.
This course is for urbanities or people living in the country, who want to do a shamanic journey in a safe way, so you can  grow spiritually
On the other hand, if you have an acute condition you need to see a doctor: this course is not for people who need a medical or psychiatric treatment…

Course Description

What is this online shamanism course all about?

The teacher: Daniela Hills: a professional instructor and great spiritual counsellor, not to mention a modern day shaman.

The course: you will learn how to do a Shamanic Journey.


Shamanic Journeying is one of the most important skills of the shaman. Daniela teaches you how to find and bring back your Power Animal. Later she shows you how to connect with your Spirit Guides, and how to get answers to questions through three levels of the spirit world.

If you don’t know what a shamanic journey is, look at it like a meditation, it’s just done in a very different way. From my experience just listening to the free shamanic drumming music that she offers in the course, puts me into a meditative trance state. It’s amazing!

Daniela Hills:

A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

  • Try Shamanic Journey For FREE

    How To Do A Shamanic Journey Preview Mini Course
    Shamanic Journey - Try It For FREE - Find out, if Shamanic Journeying is what you would love to learn 🙂


  • How long will the course take to complete?

    The cool thing is that this course is structured in a way that gets you Journeying almost immediately. The structure is very simple.

    What kind of materials are included?

    Daniela offers 3 hours of video, 52 lectures, she provides you with a guided meditation, free drumming music to download, as well as course manuals.

    Online Shamanism Course

    Why take this course?

    Should you take this course just for kicks? In this case, yes, there is nothing dangerous about it, yet Daniela does warn you not to get involved with bad spirits on your journey, as this too is part of shamanism. So I think it is better to go into this with a mature attitude.

    So if you want to make contact with your spirit guides, spirit animals, power animals, angles, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans, and if you want to find out more about yourself, or finding answers to questions, than a shamanic journey will be very helpful.

    If you are looking to create more energy and inner peace in your life, you should take this course! Because you will be shown a way to find your Power Animal. When you bring it back into your life, it will fill you with peace and energy.

    The Bonus: learn how to connect with your Spirit Guides


    If you know how to successfully meditate, or have had any experience with energy work, this would be great, but not at all necessary.  The most important thing you must have is an open mind.

    What you will need for this online Shamanism course:

    You need a bandana or just a scarf to cover your eyes.
    Download the drumming music
    Have a blanket, and a small pillow
    Maybe have another blanket to cover yourself if you get cold easily
    Have a stereo (is preferred) or use an mp3 player with headphones.
    Everyone can learn Shamanic Journeying, just be open for new experiences

    Take this course now: How To Do A Shamanic Journey And Bring Balance And Shamanic Healing Into Your Life
    [whohit]Why Is This Online Shamanism Course So Good?[/whohit]

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