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Category: Shamanism

Shamanism In Modern Times

There is no clear definition of shamanism. The word itself is specific to just one remote culture. Yet the practise of the wise man, or woman, the story teller, the fortune teller, healer and spirit guide, all aspects of the art, can be found world wide in unrelated cultures. In this way there is definitely a connection. New Age shamanism is just as powerful as the traditional kind. I like it more, because there is less suffering connected to shamanic journeying, etc.

The point that I find the most interesting is the fact that it has not vanished through our modern societies. It’s alive and well, and only growing to become more popular. You can even learn how to do a shamanic journey online. It seems that our fast paced high tech world has a lot of room for the shaman. I think anyone can train their intuition, and learn new skill to be able to become a shaman.

How To Use Shaman Tools For Shamanic Aid?

How To Use Shaman Tools For Shamanic Aid?

What are Shaman tools, and what is Shamanic aid? Through Shamanism training you learn to use Shaman tools in order to empower you with Shamanic aid. What do I mean? This is simply a way that you can integrate Shamanic methods to find more balance in your daily life. Shaman tools is a spiritual tool kit, so to speak, to aid you everyday. I’m a mother of 5 (all grown up now), and grandmother of 3, I’m a wife, and…

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The Truth About The Female Shaman History And Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Woman?

The Truth About The Female Shaman History And Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Woman?

Female Shaman History Is Fascinating And Is Found In Female Shaman Names, Was The First Shaman A Women? Female shaman history is very interesting and found in female shaman names. There is no single word or even agreement amongst archaeologists as to what a shaman is. The word itself describes the role of a tribal sage, of one particular Siberian culture. It was brought to the west centuries ago. The word shamanism probably derives from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman, meaning…

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How Animism And Shamanism Are Connected: An Amazing Way To Meditate

How Animism And Shamanism Are Connected: An Amazing Way To Meditate

What Animism is not I always thought that meditating in nature was part of shamanism. But this is more like Animism. Let me explain. I would spend time in nature, trying to connect with the world around me, with the hope of understanding shamanism. So once, when I was sitting under a tree meditating, a pinecone fell off a branch, and hit me on the head. It startled me, and I opened my eyes, and the meditation was over. At…

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Shamanic Dancing Is Shamanic Journeying Through Dancing and Breathing

Shamanic Dancing Is Shamanic Journeying Through Dancing and Breathing

Shamanic Dancing Is A Certified Online Course There are so many different ways to do shamanic methods, like Shamanic dancing because there are so many different reasons to practise them. You might already know about my Shamanic Journeying courses, in which you can learn one of many different methods. You can learn how to visit spiritual worlds, how to find Power Animals, Symbols and Lost Souls. Now, I want to share another shamanic way of self discovery, and spiritual growth:…

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7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

My therapist was learning the Spiritual Energy Healing method of a past life regression. She wanted to try it out on me. I let her. And that was a mistake.   You might be thinking she screwed up some how with this spiritual energy healing… Or nothing happened during the experience… Or maybe I bailed on her, and the session ended abruptly… Those would have been easy problems to overcome. The truth is that this situation was even worse. I wish I…

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Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick! Click: to get our Sigil Magick Online Course Now! Do You love Magick and Witchcraft? Then be excited about our online course “Sigil Magick” Get it Now! This is our special course in learning a really powerful method of witchcraft. We have used this quite often to help us manifest our goals and wishes. This magical method is called Sigil Magick and it is a very old ritual, often used in the middle ages. The word Sigil…

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Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development. Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more! Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this calming,…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening   Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this…

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Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2 The Shamanic Journey From all the rituals that exist, the Shamanic Journey is very important in shamanic practises to bring healing and harmony on all levels of your being. A Shamanic Journey is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself,…

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Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1 What is Shamanism? Shamanism is a spiritual practice. We find Shamanism all over the world, with different practises, methods, rituals and beliefs. Shamanism is the experience and knowledge of our ancestors, who used the healing power of nature, the elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, the power of plants, animals and stones, to learn and help us for our highest wellbeing. Shamanism is the practical knowledge that sickness always…

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How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey? A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Try It For FREE

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Try It For FREE

Shaman Healing: Shamanic Journey Mini Course Shaman Healing: I invite you to try this course for FREE, which is a Preview of my course “How To Do A Shamanic Journey To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal” Do you feel drawn to Shaman Healing, but you are not sure if this is the right way for you to go? Of course, there are different ways of practicing Shaman Healing, and one of them is Shamanic Journeying. There are also…

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Soul Retrieval – Online Course

Soul Retrieval – Online Course

Soul Retrieval How to do a Shamanic Journey to help your friends or clients Advanced online video Course Students in my beginner course: “How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal” asked me if I could teach them how to do a Shamanic Journey for friends and clients, and especially how to do a Soul Retrieval.  It’s important that before you enroll in this advanced course, you hopefully enrolled already in my beginner course…

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What Is Modern Shamanism At It’s Core?

What Is Modern Shamanism At It’s Core?

Modern Shamanism Is Like Ancient Shamanism Some things never change. Technology changes, society changes, and people change, but in essence we still don’t know much about ourselves and the universe, and how it all makes any sense. Modern shamanism tries to make sense out of these big questions. Yet the word shaman is a loose term. It only describes a type of wiseman or women from a small geographical location. The word “shaman” probably originates from the Tungusic Evenki language…

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How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

Spirituality is not easily defined. It’s a very broad concept, open to interpretation. There are many perspectives on this subject. The problem in getting a consensus is the fact that most people think it has something to do with a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. On top of that they are looking for the meaning in life. In some intuitive way we all know spirituality is something that connects us, but it’s hard to say how. The way…

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Shamanism Beliefs Often Cause Suffering

Shamanism Beliefs Often Cause Suffering

Do you like suffering? Do you want to learn shamanism, take part in a ritual? Does healing have to to be a painful experience? Often traditional Shamanism Beliefs and their rituals are connected to suffering. In Papua New Guinea you can take part in a traditional shamanistic ritual that involves isolation, fasting, and going without water for five days. Through a tough physical and psychological gruelling ritual the point of it is to enhance the participant’s creative powers. This is done…

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Power Animals And Their Meaning Can Be Scary

Power Animals And Their Meaning Can Be Scary

Some shamanic journeys can be scary, if not dangerous for the shaman. A shamanic journey is usually done to bring healing, by successfully bringing back the soul. If the shaman does not succeed they can be in real danger. There is a risk of not being able to get back to reality. The shaman could go into permanent psychosis. In this way, power animals and their meaning become something different to the mini course you can take in this post. Power…

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Shamanic Studies, Why Take An Online Course?

Shamanic Studies, Why Take An Online Course?

There is nothing more convenient than learning online. The shamanic studies that Daniela has laid out in her best selling course: How To Do A Shamanic Journey, is equal to any other shamanic studies you can learn offline, in my opinion. Shamanic Studies Are Just As Rewarding Online After I took this course, I found myself journeying to the middle world right away, to find and bring back my power animal. It works! What I love about learning shamanism online…

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Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Can It Heal?

Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Can It Heal?

The healing power of drums should not be underestimate. There is something that grounds us and connects us to our primordial beginnings when the deep resonating vibrations of the beat hit us. Drums engulf our entire consciousness at this point. So a shamanic drumming meditation will help to activate your natural healing powers. Shamanic Drumming Meditation: Healing with Drums In Daniela’s How To Do A Shamanic Journey Online Course she covers the following meditation:“Healing with Drums Meditation” It’s attached to…

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Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

Romanian Witch Tax Might Be Something The Government Regrets

The land that gave us Dracula, is one of the most superstitious countries in the world. Working as a witch is for some a full time job, which, if you have the respect, pays very well. Superstition runs so high that even the government was frightened, for centuries, to tax the Romanian witches for their ancient and traditional livelihood. Today, however, the government finally went through with their Romanian witch tax. They will pay 16 percent income tax and make contributions…

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Online Shamanic Course, Try It For Free: Journey To The Middle World

Online Shamanic Course, Try It For Free: Journey To The Middle World

Ever wanted to do a shamanic journey, but couldn’t find a shaman in your area to teach you? Now you can take an online shamanic course. An Online Shamanic Course Is A Simple But Effective Way To Learn Daniela’s bestselling course: How To Do A Shamanic Journey, will teach you how to do a Shamanic Journey, to find and bring back your Power Animal. The economic way this course is set up means you won’t waste your time learning unnecessary stuff,…

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Shaman Healing Of Ho’oponopono: The Healing Of Forgiveness

Shaman Healing Of Ho’oponopono: The Healing Of Forgiveness

The shaman was more than a healer in the traditional sense. Shaman healing is a central part, however, of what a shaman does. Healing can come in many forms. It can be done on an individual basis, on even collectively on a societal whole. One of the most interesting shaman healing ways for me is the Hawaiian forgiveness technique called: Ho’oponopono.  It’s fascinating because it concurs with Biocentrism. Shaman Healing With Ho’oponopono When I first learned how to do Ho’oponopono it took me a while…

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Does Online Shamanism Training Make Sense?

Does Online Shamanism Training Make Sense?

Is your time precious? Do you like the convenience of learning online? Do you want online Shamanism training, and still get a great in-depth, life changing experience? Would you like to try it for FREE? Online Shamanism Training Is Easy And Powerful At Ever wanted to learn how to do a Shamanic Journey? Now you can. A shamanic journey has several benefits. In Daniela’s course you will learn how to do a shamanic journey to travel to the Spirit…

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Shaman Magic Spells: The Secret Catalyst

Shaman Magic Spells: The Secret Catalyst

When you have a problem or conflict someone might ask you what you intended to do about it. Shaman Magic Spells need a catalyst, an intention. A catalyst can be defined as: something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected. So what you intend to do to solve a problem is the catalyst. Intention is a powerful force that gives magic its spice. Shaman Magic Spells And Focus Voodoo works because those who…

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How To Get Free Shamanic Journey Music

How To Get Free Shamanic Journey Music

Nothing is free, but sometimes it’s part of an online course. Free Shamanic Journey music in this case is drumming. Drumming is a typical rhythmic form used in many shamanic rituals journeys and ceremonies for good reason. Free Shamanic Journey Music: Why Shamanic Drumming? Drumming goes way back to our primordial being. Thus, the drum was probably the first instrument ever invented. Stringing animal hide over a hollow truck, perhaps to stretch the hide first for practical uses, was when…

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Define Shaman: The Village Psychologist, And Way More

Define Shaman: The Village Psychologist, And Way More

The Shaman has been around for a long time, so long, in fact that the name we given them is only a few centuries old. A Dutch traveler brought brought the word to Europe in 17th century. He reported his stay and journeys among the Tungusic and Samoyedic-speaking indigenous peoples of Siberia. So to define Shaman is hard. Every ancient culture around the world had their particular version of Shamanism. Define Shaman In Modern Times One modern parallel we can…

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Shaman Training Online: How To Travel In The Spirit World

Shaman Training Online: How To Travel In The Spirit World

These days pretty much anything can be learned online. Shaman training online is no exception. Daniela’s course on how to do a shamanic journey to find and bring back your power animal is one of the best. Daniela has been teaching Reiki since 2002. She also practices and teaches lots of other healing modalities. Daniela does Non-hypnotic Past Life Regressions, Shamanic Healing, and Mediumship Readings. She can do Space Clearing, Dowsing, and she’s the Founder of the WhiteLight Self Empowerment…

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Healing Drums: How The Rhythms Take You To Higher Consciousness

Healing Drums: How The Rhythms Take You To Higher Consciousness

Healing drums rhythm brings you to a higher consciousness, where healing can happen. It brings you to a relaxed state. It distracts you from all the thoughts you have, and it simply relaxes your busy mind, and your whole body. Healing Drums A Way To Inner Peace There is no doubt that healing drums can have powerful physical effect on people. Drum therapy can help people with brain injuries or impairment, physical injuries, arthritis, addictions, and more. There have been…

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How Spiritual Cleansing Negative Energy Can Change Your Life

How Spiritual Cleansing Negative Energy Can Change Your Life

A spiritual cleansing is not only great for your soul, but is can be great for practical reasons too. Spiritual cleansing negative energy in you home, for example, can help you sell it. Spiritual Cleansing Negative Energy Has Many Purposes A spiritual cleansing can help you to get rid of negative or stagnant energy, and bring positive energy and harmony inside. This will work for your physical body, and your surroundings. It can be applied to your home and work…

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Female Guru Is Also Called A Gurvi Who Removes Darkness

Female Guru Is Also Called A Gurvi Who Removes Darkness

Guru means one who removes darkness. Now you can call a female Guru a Gurvi if you want, but as a modern, New Age spiritualist the name does not matter to me. Traditional Indian Gurus like Sadhguru, speak in general terms of how a woman’s femininity will not allow her to be an effective Master. A Female Guru Can Be A Master I don’t see it this way. If you take the basic concept of one who removes darkness–usually through teaching,…

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The Key To True Happiness, Is Not Wanting To Be Happy In The First Place

The Key To True Happiness, Is Not Wanting To Be Happy In The First Place

Most people strive to be happy. But what is the key to true happiness? The pursuit of happiness is the number one goal of 99% of all humanity. It is the foundation that has built entire empires. It is a billion dollar industry too, in book sales, self help seminars, guru philosophies, of religions passions, studied by science. The Key To True Happiness Is Letting Go The key true happiness Is probably not want you think. Being happy sounds great,…

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One Great Way For Healing Body Mind Spirit

One Great Way For Healing Body Mind Spirit

Healing Body Mind And Spirit: The Power Of Thoughts A big part of this blog is dedicated to helping you healing body mind and spirit. In short healing the body has a lot to do with mind and spirit. Many illnesses begin in the mind. Spirit is an aspect of yourself that should be included into your life. If stress is a huge cause of illnesses, and stress is, in truth, fictional, and exists only in the mind, then healing body…

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How Can Healing With Spirits Empower You?

How Can Healing With Spirits Empower You?

One of the best ways to connect with Spirit is through shamanic journeying. Healing with spirits is powerful, and you can learn to do it yourself. And you can learn how to do a shamanic journey to find and bring back your power animal. There are two main spirit animals in a shamanic journey. Healing With Spirits: Discover The Power Within! One is a spirit animal who is a guide, the other is a power animal. One guides you through…

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4 Great Reason To Do Shamanism Training Online

4 Great Reason To Do Shamanism Training Online

Shamanism Training Online Has Benefits Nothing is like being trained in person by a real shaman. Shamanism training is cool. This is true, but how realistic is this? How many Shamans’s do you know? Sometimes they are hard to find, even online. That’s why Shamanism training online makes so much sense. Daniela’s best selling curse on How To Do a Shamanic Journey To Find and Bring Back Your Power Animal will teach you in short order how to do what a…

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How To Do A Shamanic Journey And Bring Balance And Shamanic Healing Into Your Life

How To Do A Shamanic Journey And Bring Balance And Shamanic Healing Into Your Life

How To Do A Shamanic Journey Online: GateLight E Learning: How To Do A Shamanic Journey – A Way To Inner Wholeness This is a top spiritual course at GateLight E Learning for personal development and transformation. Students have given it an amazing 5.0 rating! Michael: 5 stars “Amazing Course On Shamanic Journeying!” “I highly recommend this course for people who have a difficult time reaching a true meditative state. I know this can be tough in our busy lives. Just listening to the drumming will put…

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Shamanism Origin: Is It Older Than The Earliest Cultures?

Shamanism Origin: Is It Older Than The Earliest Cultures?

No one knows when Shamanism began, some believe it started over 10,000 years ago. Shamanism Origin: in France the Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc Cave, 32,000–30,000 BP, contains the oldest know paintings of man: it would seem that even than there is evidence of shamanic ritual.  Abstract markings, and a strange Minotaur painting have lead researches to consider that this ancient, pre-culture gathering had already derived a primitive form of ritual, shamanic magic. Shamanism Origin: A Mysterious History Leftover human remains also point to this…

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Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner Guide Made Easy

Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner Guide Made Easy

Shamanic Journeying Can Be Done By Beginners Anything meant for beginners must be taught as clearly and simply as possible. Daniela Hills teaches shamanic journeying for beginners. She is one of the most experienced spiritual teachers, healers, counselor’s, medium’s. She is a spiritual storyteller, fortune teller, and guide of souls around. All of the above describes a traditional Aboriginal shaman, taking on many rolls within their community. Yes, Daniela can go deep into the spirit world for you. She can do…

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Female Shaman Name Is One Of Many, and Deserves Great Respect!

Female Shaman Name Is One Of Many, and Deserves Great Respect!

A woman shaman has many names, that deserve respect. The Female Shaman name has been around a long time. Indeed, a woman shaman has great healing and visionary powers, we see this throughout history. The Female Shaman Name Is Ancient Today Some Give The Female Shaman The Name: Shamanka But the female shaman has been around since the beginning of time in North America, Africa, and Europe. They have been called Seers, Wise Women, Medicine woman, pipe holders and dream…

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Why Is Shamanic Journey Music A Catalyst For Peace?

Why Is Shamanic Journey Music A Catalyst For Peace?

The drumming beat is the beat of the universe, the frequency of life. Shamanic journey music is mostly done through drumming. It’s a beat that increases in tempo, and puts the listener into a trance state of ecstasy. It is as powerful as the deepest meditation, and connects you to the Earth, and the worlds beyond, to Spirit, and your power animal and guides. The shamanic drum is powerful both in the healing frequency it produces, and it’s symbolic power. Shamanic…

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Learn Shamanism Online Through A True Shaman

Learn Shamanism Online Through A True Shaman

This page focuses on learning about shamanism. I’m supporting one of the best online courses for shamanism you will find anywhere. I think it’s important to know a little about the teacher first… You can learn shamanism online through Daniela Hills who is a modern day shaman. She is a shaman in the traditional sense, because she is a healer, a dream seer, a fortune teller, a medium, great teacher, storyteller, and she will retrieve the lost parts of your…

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Why Is This Online Shamanism Course So Good?

Why Is This Online Shamanism Course So Good?

I love this online Shamanism course! It is super easy to understand, anyone can do it! There aren’t a lot of online shamanism courses as far as I know, but look no further: this one is awesome! Who should take this course If you are one of those people like me who love to delve into the depths of the great mysteries of the spiritual realm, this course is for you. An Online Shamanism Course For Shamanic Healing This course…

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Why Is This Shamanic Training Online Boiled Down To It’s Essence?

Why Is This Shamanic Training Online Boiled Down To It’s Essence?

The Essential Shamanic Training Online It seems that anything can be taught online these days. Shamanic training online is no exception. This course does it so incredible fast that you can be going on a shamanic journey almost immediately. Traditionally becoming a shaman was a long difficult, deep, and intense experience that would take many years of training. I’m not saying that this is not the case today. To become a true shaman you will need to know many different…

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Why Is Daniela’s School Of Shamanism So Practical?

Why Is Daniela’s School Of Shamanism So Practical?

Going to school is great. I think there’s nothing like attending school in person. But these days it’s not necessary. Daniela’s school of shamanism is special and practical for one important reason… I won’t dwell on the obvious advantages of attending a physical school location; but what are the disadvantages? The first one that comes to mind is parking. The second, is getting to that parking spot, or riding busy public transit, sometimes not even getting a place to sit….

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Does Shamanic Healing Work?

Does Shamanic Healing Work?

Taking a shamanic journey into the spirit world is exhilarating, and a bit scary at first. If you are asking the question: does shamanic healing work? from my experience I can safely say it does with certainty. Why exactly the healing works, I’m not sure. And it depends on what healing your are looking for… If you have an acute condition you need to see a doctor. Shamanic healing is a holistic healing. It is a preventative healing. And it can…

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Distance Learning Shamanism With A Life-Time Access?

Distance Learning Shamanism With A Life-Time Access?

The one thing I hate about some online learning sites is that they make you pay on a monthly basis. If I decide not to pay, sure I might have learned something in that month. I might have gone though the entire course, but what if I didn’t take any notes? Or what if the whole course is a video tutorial, which most of them are? If I need to return to this distance learning, to refresh my memory, I can’t….

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Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

A Deep Meditation Trance Better Than Hypnosis A shamanic journey, in the form that Daniela presents it is not hypnotism, it’s a trance. There is a significant difference between the two. It’s like a deep meditation trance. Hypnosis is a state in which the one under it’s sway is no longer in control; whereas a trance is a state where the person experiencing it is still aware of their surroundings, and if need be, can exit the trance state, being in…

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Shamanic Drums: Did They Come From Animals?

Shamanic Drums: Did They Come From Animals?

The drum was unlikely a musical instrument in the beginning, but more of a sacred tool of the shaman. It’s not allowed to touch the shaman’s drum. Shamanic drums are sacred, and it’s magic is connected to the one using it. Some of the first drums ever found go all the way back to around 4000 BC in Egypt. Shamanic Drums: Let The Skins Create The Beat They were made from the skin of the alligator; and drums have been…

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Animal Shamanism: What Is A Power Animal?

Animal Shamanism: What Is A Power Animal?

A power animal is an aspect of yourself: the potential energy and catharsis that is waiting for you to unlock. Animal shamanism focuses on finding and bringing back your power animal into your life to create balance and health. Animal Shamanism: The Power The Inner Spirit A power animal can be highly symbolic. They can represent personal power, transition, transformation, grief, death and rebirth, peace. And they symbolize the energy within, positive growth, or human like traits like craftiness, strength,…

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Why Is Shamanic Drumming Music Best When It’s Free?

Why Is Shamanic Drumming Music Best When It’s Free?

Traditional shamanism is kind of confrontational. IT deals sometimes in painful ritual, and confronting, not just the positive energies, but the negative spirits too. Drumming is an important part of the shamans arsenal of techniques. It can put the listener into a trance state of ecstasy! Shamanic drumming music is powerful. Shamanic Drumming Music Connects You To Positive Energy New Age shamanism tries only to connect and activate positive energies. The progressive, modern belief is to avoid negativity. Focus on the…

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How Are Female Shamans Like Wise Fools?

How Are Female Shamans Like Wise Fools?

Female shamans, like Daniela Hills, are compassionate, helpful, and wise people, ready to assist anyone on their spiritual journey. Yet in the color, clank and clamber of their rituals they may appear to be fools. To be sure, the foundation of it all is the purest of wisdom. Shamans are wise fools, often rejecting the norms of the culture in which they live, deeming those norms to be counterproductive. Daniela is a Wise Female Shaman Female shamans see further, beyond…

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Developing Spiritual Powers And How To Unlock Them?

Developing Spiritual Powers And How To Unlock Them?

Growing spiritually is not difficult if you want to grow. Developing spiritual powers is a proactive thing to do. Through prayer, through meditation, positive thinking, doing good, being charitable, eating right, excising, yoga, and showing respect for yourself and others, are all good ways to start developing your spiritual powers. Much of this is basic ethics, and common sense though. If you focus too much on negative things, this will block the channels to your spiritual side. It’s important to…

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I Don’t Know What The Power Of Now Is, But Why Does Living In The Moment Feel So Good?

I Don’t Know What The Power Of Now Is, But Why Does Living In The Moment Feel So Good?

When gurus say: live in the moment… what does that mean? I can’t say exactly what the power of now really is. A lot of people have tired to explain it over the centuries; but, in the end, it just becomes another story for trying to explain the inexpiable conundrum called life.  I think the true power of now defies all logic… The Power Of Now: Lost In The Past, Absent In The Future This seems obvious to me. Why?…

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