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Category: Meditation

Why Is Meditation More Important Than Ever?

I love meditating, even if it’s only 10 minutes a day. I would like to dedicate more time to it, but that’s sometimes tough. Ten minutes is still effective. For me, in today’s technology driven world, filled with constant distraction, and stressful deadlines, meditating became my saviour. Meditation is the exact opposite to the reality some technology offers. Smart phones distract me from my inner-self. It transports me to a place that’s without, not within.

The further I get from who I really am, the further I drift from my centre. To be healthy in mind, body, and spirit I want to get back to my centre. I want to stay there as long as I can. Finding my inner peace reduces things like stress, high blood pressure, and creates balance and joy.

I think meditation is more important than ever. My tip: start meditating today!

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

My therapist was learning the Spiritual Energy Healing method of a past life regression. She wanted to try it out on me. I let her. And that was a mistake.   You might be thinking she screwed up some how with this spiritual energy healing… Or nothing happened during the experience… Or maybe I bailed on her, and the session ended abruptly… Those would have been easy problems to overcome. The truth is that this situation was even worse. I wish I…

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How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself

How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself

How To Reiki healing: Do a Reiki Treatment To Energize The 7 Chakras For Yourself How to reiki:… Let’s give Reiki to our 7 main charkas. This reiki treatment will energize the 7 chakras. It’s a self reiki treatment that you can do right now. We start at the top of the head, then third eye, throat, heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra. This method is perfect after your Reiki level 1 attunements, and at any time you…

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Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development. Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more! Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?…

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A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners

A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners

A Guided Meditation: How To Meditate For Beginners Click here to learn more: How to meditate for beginners: There are different ways of meditating. I will guide you now through a very short mediation, that you can do on a daily basis. How To Meditate For Beginners gives you s simple formula: When it’s time to meditate make sure, you’re in a quiet place. You can sit on a comfortable chair, with your arms resting comfortably. Your feet should…

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How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation

How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation

How to Find Inner Peace Through A Guided Meditation How to find inner peace through a guided meditation: ​ This is a short but powerful meditation to let go of stress! Stress sucks. It’s good to know meditation exercises to let go of stress, as meditation is one of the best stress relievers, but there is a problem… Stress is the leading cause, or is related to, the enactment of many illnesses like: Heart disease, Asthma, Diabetes, headaches, depression and…

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Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation

Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation

Healing With Meditation: A FREE Drum Meditation Shamanic Journey with drumming: healing with meditation drumming rhythms brings you to a higher consciousness, where healing can happen. It brings you to a relaxed state. It distracts you from all the thoughts you have, and it simply relaxes your busy mind, and your whole body. There is no doubt that Healing With Meditation drumming can have powerful physical effect on people. Drum therapy can help people with brain injuries or impairment,…

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Binaural beats: Sacred Earth!

Binaural beats: Sacred Earth!

Binaural beats, Visit now:…… Sacred Earth: Binaural beats meditation! Ever heard of Binaural beats? This is a great binaural beats meditation! The Sacred Earth is here at last! This music is dedicated to the earth, and that’s why its called the SACRED EARTH. Let me tell you the deep earthy tones really touch the soul and connect you with mother earth. Through the application of special background tones (binaural beats), tones our ears can hardly hear by the way,…

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Meditation To Relieve Anxiety

Meditation To Relieve Anxiety

Meditation To Relieve Anxiety Anxiety is a bad thing. Anxiety does not have physical symptoms. Yet Anxiety causes nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. All of these things begin in your thought processes. These kinds of emotions can cause disorders that affect how we feel and behave, and then real physical symptoms can manifest. You can get ill. Why does a meditation to relieve anxiety help? Meditation To Relieve Anxiety, Find Your Inner Peace What is inner peace? It’s the absence…

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Ways To Find Inner Peace In Your Daily Life

Ways To Find Inner Peace In Your Daily Life

Ways To Find Inner Peace The easiest way to find inner peace is to allocate time each day to listen to a guided inner peace meditation. But what about ways to find inner peace in your daily work life? After all, the experiences that take you out of your inner peace are more then likely tied to work, and even some leisure activities. Everyone has to struggle with something during their daily life. So we need tools to combat stress, and…

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Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Take Time To Invest In Yourself, Not Just In The Stock Market There’s nothing wrong with making money and investing. But it can be daunting and stressful. You need to take time to invest in yourself. I know, when I was once a day trader, that there are two emotions that take over. One is greed, and the other is fear. Both are overwhelming, and insanely stressful. Some nights I couldn’t even sleep, worrying about losing my shirt. No wonder…

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Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

If you think you’re always busy, you need to transform these thoughts, otherwise you will not get out of this negative loop. Do you need a positive thinking tip? I’m writing about this, because I was plagued with thoughts like this: “Oh yeah, I have so much to do! I wish I could be in many places at once to clean, cook, wash cloths, look after my grandchild; and then there’s the marketing to do, create videos for my courses, create music, not…

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Augmented Reality App: 7 Spiritual Benefits

Augmented Reality App: 7 Spiritual Benefits

An Augmented Reality App That Helps To Create Inner Peace? Normally an augmented reality app offers a mixed reality of 3d objects. The objects are projected, so to speak, in the real world. You then can view the 3d objects from every angle. This is interesting, true, but what if that AR experience goes much further to create a strong core of calm and inner peace? What if the experience permeates your being, bringing more confidence and strength, even in times of struggle?…

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4 Basic Meditation Techniques And Why?

4 Basic Meditation Techniques And Why?

There are many reasons why you should meditate. Not only can it help with anxiety, high blood pressure and stress relief, it can connect you to your true self on a spiritual level. If you are new to meditation here are some Basic Meditation Techniques. First Basic Meditation Techniques Sit down comfortably. Some people lay down, but I don’t. Laying down might lead to sleep, and sleep is not meditation. Meditation is meant for you to be aware of changes which…

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What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

What Is The Biggest Misconception Of Meditation?

Are you somewhere? I mean do you feel like you exist in some kind of physical reality? Probably, right? The biggest misconception of meditation is that people with little experience think it’s all about being empty, in some kind of a self induced coma. I had a discussion with someone who thought this way, and thought it to be a horror scenario. Of course it was hard to argue with him, because the person in question was using pure logic,…

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When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase: How?

When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase: How?

In a post I wrote not long ago: on Mindfulness Meditation, I mentioned that when you observe everything as a whole, a meditative peace will follow.  But on top of this if you, at the same time, actively focus on the parts of the whole when you meditate creativity can be greatly enhanced. When You Meditate Creativity Can Increase The trick is to do open-monitoring meditation. This is a mindfulness meditation. You observe and note phenomena in the present moment, while…

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What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

A well balanced mind body soul connection is important to your holistic well being. To achieve this, meditation might be the ticket. There is more than just the spiritual benefits of meditation. Just take a look at this comprehensive list of benefits. The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation -Positive Energy -Lucid Dreaming -Inner Silence -Spiritual Awakening -We Are All One -Law Of Attraction -Remote Viewing -Access The Quantum -Higher Consciousness -Kundalini Rising -Awaken Intuition -Open Third Eye -Balance Chakras -Deepen Awareness…

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Mindfulness Meditation Tips: How To Watch And Become One

Mindfulness Meditation Tips: How To Watch And Become One

Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. Being mindful is becoming the observer of all you are at once. This means you are in a state of active, open attention on the present.  You observe everything as a whole: your thoughts, feelings, everything within your senses, everything that is within consciousness. The trick is not to judge any of it, but just to let your life pass you by. Live in the moment of conscious awareness. These are my mindfulness…

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Anxiety And Meditation And The Prison Of Social Media

Anxiety And Meditation And The Prison Of Social Media

Do you feel stressed? Is it hard to keep up with all the social media messages? Do you need to unwind? I know I do, all the time. In fact I need to unwind more and more these days. Meditation might seem a bit out-dated in our fast moving, media driven technologically advance world, of the MineCrafter generation. But beating anxiety through meditation is more relevant then ever. Anxiety and meditation are opposite poles. One can destroy the other! Anxiety And…

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Mindful Meditation And The Brain: How They Can Help You To Create

Mindful Meditation And The Brain: How They Can Help You To Create

When I’m over worked, and I think I’ve got too much to do to meditate, this is when I should be doing it. As soon as my list of things to do gets overwhelming, and my schedule is making me want to cry, it’s time to do a mindful meditation. Mindful meditation and the Brain go hand in hand for helping me improve focus, reduce stress, and increase my ability to relate to others. It also increases my creativity for…

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Guided Meditation Mindfulness: How To Find Your Inner Peace

Guided Meditation Mindfulness: How To Find Your Inner Peace

Do you want to know how to connect with the real you? Do you want to achieve a mental state by focusing your awareness on the present moment? How about a FREE Guided Meditation Mindfulness download, or FREE guided meditation course? Guided Meditation Mindfulness Technique Before You Meditate I’m going to show you a powerful technique to help you calmly acknowledge and accept your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. This will connect you to the moment. FACT: Worry creates stress and disharmony….

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Guided Sleep Meditation: How It Works

Guided Sleep Meditation: How It Works

How can you be sleeping and meditating at the same time? You’re not. You’re in the alpha sate, or yodic sleep, which is a state between sleeping, and being awake. This is a state of utter relaxation, yet you’re still mentally aware. A guided sleep meditation can help you achieve this. Guided Sleep Meditation Is Easy In Sanskrit, a sleep meditation is known as Yoga Nidra it’s a relaxation method for the mind, body and soul. Like I say, Yoga…

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Easy Ways To Meditate in Strange Places?

Easy Ways To Meditate in Strange Places?

It’s becoming more obvious to the status-quo that meditation is healthy. There are easy ways to meditate, and thats good for when you need a manicure? In New York there’s a vegan nail salon that offers a two in one meditation manicure. The client listens to a short guided meditation, and relaxes, and when they open their eyes, they see perfect dazzling fingernails. Easy Ways To Meditate by Strange Organizations Even businesses are finding that meditation in the work place…

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Learning And Meditation: Why It Works So Well

Learning And Meditation: Why It Works So Well

After learning meditation, why not apply it to learning? Students use meditation all the time to relax before taking their final exams. Meditation helps clear the mind, and brings focus to mental activity. It energizes, and releases blockages, fear, and stress too. Learning And Meditation Are A Perfect Match The problem when studying for exams is that some students go about doing it all wrong. They cram information into their minds through long nights. Endless hours of study lead to…

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Guided Meditation For Sleep, As Loud As Lawnmowers?

Guided Meditation For Sleep, As Loud As Lawnmowers?

Banging drums put me to sleep. If I’m stressed I can’t relax, I can’t sleep. Stress and anxiety kill my chances of a good night’s rest. We’ve all suffered from this. But the loud beating rhythm of drums makes me slumber.  For me it’s the best guided meditation for sleep. Guided Meditation For Sleep To Put You Back In Sync When my mind is active, I just can’t fall asleep at night, or, my brain suddenly comes back to life, and I wake…

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The Best Free Guided Meditation Didn’t Help Me, Why?

The Best Free Guided Meditation Didn’t Help Me, Why?

I found myself in a tug of war between who I thought I am, and reality! For me, reality was the opposite of what I thought it was. I discovered that there isn’t a separate self. I heard that meditation could connect me to the One, the All, the collective you and me. But I was confused about this. I know that sages, poets and philosophers have been saying this for centuries: a separate you and me is an illusion. I know that some science…

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A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

UPDATE: TRY Trance Healing for Free NOW! Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m finished working on my new exciting online video course “Trance Healing”. So what is Trance Healing? It’s a method of spiritual healing, where the energy comes directly from your angels, spirit guides and helpers. It’s basically a form of Mediumship, which is the art to connect to the Spirit World. Trance Healing is perfect for helping yourself, and others. Normally if you want to learn and practice Trance Healing or…

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Spiritual Wisdom Understanding How To Experience It With My Simple Technique

Spiritual Wisdom Understanding How To Experience It With My Simple Technique

Spiritual wisdom is more of an experience than it is knowledge. I’m going to show you how I connect to spiritual wisdom understanding how it works is the key. But first you need to understand a different way of not knowing. Spiritual Wisdom Understanding How To Go Beyond Knowledge Great artists and scientists like Einstein are known to have gone beyond knowledge. Going beyond knowledge is the number one goal for the spiritual masters too. Some call it intuition or…

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Are You Happy Now? Is There A Secret To Happiness?

Are You Happy Now? Is There A Secret To Happiness?

Are You Happy Now? Now is important. But if you are happy now, how long will it last? The secret to happiness is found in the moment. I had a conversation with a friend not long ago. We talked about someone he knew: a couple who were suddenly divorcing. I asked why. He said because they weren’t happy anymore. That’s too bad I said. My friend asked me why. I told him because the problem is that people expect to…

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Change My Karma Please! I’m Not Lazy, But I Just Haven’t Suffered Enough?

Change My Karma Please! I’m Not Lazy, But I Just Haven’t Suffered Enough?

When I was young things didn’t always go my way. Later when I discovered New Age spirituality I began to understand why. I would say to gurus: change my karma please! I thought that just by going to seminars, getting a reiki session, or a past life regression would solve all my problems. But I was wrong. To Change My Karma, I Would Have To Do It Myself Don’t get me wrong I did get some value out of the seminars….

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Where To Learn Meditation Exercises For Beginners?

Where To Learn Meditation Exercises For Beginners?

Meditation is a great way to create a healthy life through wholistic means. Meditation exercises for beginners is essential if you are have little experience meditating. When I first started meditating I learned simple breathing exercises  first. One thing that really helped me was listening to guided meditations. Guided meditations do most of the work for you, so to speak, so they’re the perfect meditation exercises for beginners. Meditation Exercises For Beginners To be a meditation master is no simple…

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What Is The Magic Number That Youtube Meditation Music Should Play?

What Is The Magic Number That Youtube Meditation Music Should Play?

Mediation music should help you to relax. Youtube meditation music should do the same. Music that plays at the same speed as your heart beat, when relaxed, will help you sync your heart to 60 beats per minute. How To Listen To Youtube Meditation Music 60 BPM is a tempo associated with resting heart rate, and elevated states of higher consciousness. Heart rate is measured in contractions, or heart beats per minute (BPM). Of course, this rate will beat differently…

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How To Find Inner Peace With An Online Meditation Course, And Simple Technique?

How To Find Inner Peace With An Online Meditation Course, And Simple Technique?

The most difficult part in finding inner peace is letting go of your desires. One way to start doing this is to take this online meditation course: inner peace. It will guide you. But to get started right now, I’ll show you a simple technique. One key to finding your inner peace is to focus on the moment. Living in the moment is not that easy to do either, considering that we are distracted constantly by our environment, and smart phones. People look…

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Looking For Meditation Classes?

Looking For Meditation Classes?

Learning in groups is great.  When learning with the energy of positive students there’s a lot of positive effects. If you attend meditation classes, and connect with other mindful students the experience is more intense and effective. On the other hand, if you’re in an un-concentrated class where students talk a lot, and are negative this can be a bad learning experience. When I was trying to learn a second language, I had this experience. This was an adult class, yet they acted as if…

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How Does This Youtube Meditation Music Help You Be Grateful?

How Does This Youtube Meditation Music Help You Be Grateful?

I have two amazing videos to share with you. This youtube meditation music can change your life! The first one is a guided gratitude meditation that will empower you to be grateful, which in turn will bring you gratitude as well. Youtube Meditation Music: Gratitude Gratitude is a powerful force in your life. Too few people use, or understand it. A gratitude meditation can help you to reprogram yourself to appreciate more in life. There really isn’t anything that you…

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How Can This Free Online Meditation Course Help You Enjoy A Better Life?

How Can This Free Online Meditation Course Help You Enjoy A Better Life?

Why is this free online meditation course so helpful? Meditation will help you focus your attention and awareness in order to self-regulate the body and mind. It’s a stylized mental technique for the purpose of attaining a subjective experience, that is frequently described as very restful, silent, and of heightened alertness. It’s often characterized as blissful. It becomes mindfulness. If done correctly, it can help you escape the bonds of the logical mind completely. This Free Online Meditation Course Can…

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Why Is No Man’s Sky A Great Spiritual Retreat, And Best Game Ever Made?

Why Is No Man’s Sky A Great Spiritual Retreat, And Best Game Ever Made?

The most amazing aspect of No Man’s Sky, for me, is not the game mechanics. I love the spiritual sense of being part of something bigger. While playing this game, it feels like living in a spontaneous virtual moment. It’s incredible to discover this spontaneous universe. It’s always changing randomly right before my eyes. This game can be so chill, that it’s likely to lower my blood pressure. If You Don’t Know What No Man’s Sky Is, It’s A Video Game…

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Why Is This Binaural Beats Youtube Video Great For Meditating?

Why Is This Binaural Beats Youtube Video Great For Meditating?

The following Binaural Beats Youtube meditation includes relaxing drum beats too! Binaural Beats will bring you into a meditative condition, which will allow you to connect with everything that “IS!” The Long Version Of The Binaural Beats Youtube Video Below Will Harmonize The Hemispheres Of Your Brain The Binaural Beats in this meditation run at 4 Hertz. This frequency creates a trance like condition that is perfect for healing and manifesting. You should listen to this music regularly once a…

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How free Meditation Courses At Can Help You Find Your Inner Peace

How free Meditation Courses At Can Help You Find Your Inner Peace

Meditating is not easy. The masters train for years to know how to find inner peace through meditation. FREE meditation courses like this one, by Daniela Hills, does not promise that you will become a master, but it certainly fast tracks you toward bringing more inner peace into your life. FREE Meditation Courses Can Be Guided The quickest way to achieve similar masterful results through meditation is by cheating a little. One way is to find your inner peace through guided meditations. This…

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What Are The Proven 10 Benefits Of Meditation, And the 7 Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

What Are The Proven 10 Benefits Of Meditation, And the 7 Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

Meditation is a good thing. And there are more than ten advantages, but this first list is of 10 benefits of meditation. So beyond that I would like to point out some benefits that might be missing. The 10 Benefits Of Meditation, Proven To Help On A physical Level -Stress Reduction -Emotional Balance -Better concentration and Focus -Pain Reduction -Anxiety Reduction -More Creativity -Less Depression -Better Memory -More Compassion -Increased Productivity So each one of these benefits are tied to a…

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Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

What is your true spiritual potential? This is a hard question to answer, because first we would have to understand what that potential is. Understanding potential means understanding limits, and it would seem that with spirituality there are no limits. Yet, unlimited potential seems to be a hard concept for humans to grasp, because we are limited to the physics that seem to keep us grounded on the Earth, for example. Living in the moment will ground us. Living In The…

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Healing Drums: How The Rhythms Take You To Higher Consciousness

Healing Drums: How The Rhythms Take You To Higher Consciousness

Healing drums rhythm brings you to a higher consciousness, where healing can happen. It brings you to a relaxed state. It distracts you from all the thoughts you have, and it simply relaxes your busy mind, and your whole body. Healing Drums A Way To Inner Peace There is no doubt that healing drums can have powerful physical effect on people. Drum therapy can help people with brain injuries or impairment, physical injuries, arthritis, addictions, and more. There have been…

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Binaural beats: Sacred Earth! Free Meditation

Binaural beats: Sacred Earth! Free Meditation

Sacred Earth: Binaural beats meditation! Ever heard of Binaural beats? This is a great meditation! The Sacred Earth is here at last! This music is dedicated to the earth, and that’s why its called the SACRED EARTH. Binaural Beats, Sacred Earth Meditation: Let me tell you the deep earthy tones really touch the soul and connect you with mother earth. It is important to ground ones self when practising spiritual ritual. A lot of people forget to do this and…

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Why Is One Of The Best Meditation Techniques Is Simply To Open Your Ears?

Why Is One Of The Best Meditation Techniques Is Simply To Open Your Ears?

Meditation is a powerful way I use to help me improve not only my spiritual self, but my physical self too. One of the best meditation techniques is simply to let a Master do the work for you, so to speak… The Best Meditation Techniques Are Guided What am I talking about exactly? Guided meditations! A guided meditation is one of the best meditation techniques because the Master, who is guiding you, knows how to get you to that place…

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Free Meditation Music To Take Care Of Stress And Find Inner Peace

Free Meditation Music To Take Care Of Stress And Find Inner Peace

Free Meditation Music For Inner Peace? Researchers say that music with 60 beats per minute is the key to creating harmony in your brain. I have some free meditation music that was created along these lines. 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves. These are they same brainwaves that arise in our minds when we feel the most comfortable and chilled-out. Great meditation music will get you to this ultra relaxed…

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Five Meditation Classes In One, All For FREE!

Five Meditation Classes In One, All For FREE!

Meditation Classes That Will Guide You If you like learning online, and your are looking for meditation classes, why not take this course for Free, which offers 5 meditation classes in one: 1. Welcome Lets attune to each other… 2. Inner Peace Meditation Take time during the day: Inner Peace – Guided Meditation…   3. Gratitude Meditation Short, but powerful, enjoy this meditation… 4. Thank you, I love you – Mantra Mantra: Thank you, I love you… 5. Healing with…

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Guided Meditation Anxiety And Stress Replaced With Inner Peace?

Guided Meditation Anxiety And Stress Replaced With Inner Peace?

If anxiety and stress plague your life there is a way to deal with it. You can find your inner peace through a guided meditation anxiety release. Guided Meditation The Easy Way To Deal With Anxiety The guided meditation for anxiety below will help you to find your inner peace in short order.  This is a powerful guided meditation to help you let go of stress and anxiety! Inner peace is the key to feeling better. It’s easy: just listen to…

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How To Do Healing Meditations? Why Not Let The Drums Do It For You!

How To Do Healing Meditations? Why Not Let The Drums Do It For You!

A lot of people have problems successfully reaching a true meditative state. There are too many distractions in our modern and crazy world. Sometimes there is just too much on our minds. But how to do healing meditations that is simple and effective is not always easy to find, until now. How To Do Healing Meditations The Easy Way It’s important to balance both sides of the brain to reach a higher state of inner-peace through meditation. This is how…

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Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

A Deep Meditation Trance Better Than Hypnosis A shamanic journey, in the form that Daniela presents it is not hypnotism, it’s a trance. There is a significant difference between the two. It’s like a deep meditation trance. Hypnosis is a state in which the one under it’s sway is no longer in control; whereas a trance is a state where the person experiencing it is still aware of their surroundings, and if need be, can exit the trance state, being in…

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Shamanic Drums: Did They Come From Animals?

Shamanic Drums: Did They Come From Animals?

The drum was unlikely a musical instrument in the beginning, but more of a sacred tool of the shaman. It’s not allowed to touch the shaman’s drum. Shamanic drums are sacred, and it’s magic is connected to the one using it. Some of the first drums ever found go all the way back to around 4000 BC in Egypt. Shamanic Drums: Let The Skins Create The Beat They were made from the skin of the alligator; and drums have been…

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Why Are Meditation Exercises For Stress So Simple?

Why Are Meditation Exercises For Stress So Simple?

Stress sucks. It’s good to know meditation exercises for stress, as meditation is one of the best stress relievers, but there is a problem… Stress is the leading cause, or is related to, the enactment of many illnesses like. Stress can cause Heart Disease, Asthma, Diabetes, headaches, depression and anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, accelerated aging, premature death. This list goes on… Open Your Ears To Meditation Exercises For Stress The problem is that it’s hard to meditate properly sometimes. People have…

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Guided Meditation Stress Relief And The Spirit World?

Guided Meditation Stress Relief And The Spirit World?

A meditation, when done properly, can seriously reduce stress. Guided meditation stress relief is specially designed for people who don’t have the skill, or are not able to quiet the mind to enter a sufficient meditative state. Guided Meditation For Stress Relief: Quiet The Mind One of the hardest things to do these days is to quiet the mind. The mind creates stress. Stress does not come from physical activity. Many people believe the cause of stress comes from too many activities….

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How Is The Power Of Gratitude Related To Lemons?

How Is The Power Of Gratitude Related To Lemons?

No, The Power Of Gratitude is Not Sour There is no doubt that being thankful is something that can be life changing. The power of gratitude is undeniable. But why is this so? If you are like me, you are tired of the law of attraction rhetoric too. So many self proclaimed life coaches, and books, talk about it, and certainly one of these gurus will say that being more grateful will attract what we want. Because the law of attraction…

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What Does It Mean If You See White Light In Meditation?

What Does It Mean If You See White Light In Meditation?

When looking at aura color interpretation, given to us by those who can see auras, and a few aura imaging devices, there are certain things we can say about the spiritual and physical meaning of light. So what does it mean when you see white light in meditation? To answer this question first you must understand the colors, and what they represent, specifically where the cutoff is between those spiritual colors that ground us, and those that take us to…

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