How To Use Shaman Tools For Shamanic Aid?
What are Shaman tools, and what is Shamanic aid?
Through Shamanism training you learn to use Shaman tools in order to empower you with Shamanic aid.
What do I mean?
This is simply a way that you can integrate Shamanic methods to find more balance in your daily life.
Shaman tools is a spiritual tool kit, so to speak, to aid you everyday.
I’m a mother of 5 (all grown up now), and grandmother of 3, I’m a wife, and housekeeper, a cook, and, of course, I’m a spiritual adviser, teacher, and course creator.
One of my grandchildren, and 2 of my daughters, live with us, so there’s a lot going on in our home.
Well, how do I find time for my personal spiritual growth? The best way would be to pack my bags, and go on a nice relaxing holiday. But this is not possible with my daily schedule.
Instead I CHOOSE to take time for myself, there is no other way to do it!
If I had an extremely busy day, or I feel out of balance, I use different Shaman tools to change this in no time.
30 minutes a day is often enough, sometimes less, sometimes more. Like First AID, this is an effective spiritual remedy, to help me get back to normal.
One of the Shaman tools I use is shamanic journeying. I go into my “Special” room, lie down, cover my eyes, and off I go, on a journey without packing my suitcase.
I know how busy life can be. You might feel the same way I do, right?
This is the reason why I love to share my knowledge about shamanic journeying with you. The good thing is that you don’t need to be a Shaman to do this, anyone who feels somehow called to do it, can give it a try.
And if you really feel out of balance, or powerless, a shamanic journey, to find and bring back your Power Animal, can change this.
I consider it the first step, the Shamanic first aid, toward balance and healing.
People ask me if there’s a difference between a Power Animal and a Spirit Animal?
For me there is a difference, for others there’s not.
What I’ve learned, on my Shamanic Journeys, is that a Power Animal symbolizes your own Power within you.
If your power Animal is not with you, then you’ll feel like you need more than just a vacation.
A Spirit Animal for me is different.
It’s more like a Guide, an adviser or teacher.
But anyway, what I wanted to say is that almost anyone can do it, or at least try to take a shamanic journey.
And it can be done today.
In my online course, I take you through a safe and easy step by step process of how to do it.
Of course, you can go to someone and let them find your Power Animal for you, but why not have first aid shaman tools in your own hands, and do it yourself?
And after you’ve found your Power Animal, you can do so much more on a shamanic journey.
You can get answers to questions. You can find Symbols for healing, or meet your Spirit Helpers, and so on.
How wonderful would it be to have a tool right here, to bring balance into your life?
It’s true that a shaman is chosen by the spirits to become who they are.
Being a shaman is not an easy thing, it’s not something anyone should actually endeavour to be.
Either you are one, or you’re not.
But almost everyone can get a taste of shamanism, and incorporate it into their lives.
In this modern Western world you can use shaman tools to help yourself to be more balanced in your life. And if this is your calling, you will know it.
Not only will you be able to heal yourself, you’ll be able to help others by finding their Power Animals, or Soul Fragments too.
Shamanism can not be perfectly explained.
There are many cultures who once practiced it, but in different ways, with different perspectives, beliefs, and tools and rituals, etc.
So no one can actually 100% explain shamanism or shamanic practices, and where a shaman travels to and what the spirits are.
A shaman learns from their Spirit Helpers, and this is why no shaman will do the same, or be the same as another shaman.
Again, you don’t need to be a shaman to learn shamanic practices.
Almost anyone can learn to live with their environment, and feel the connection to all things, and this is where shamanism begins.
Finding balance in a busy life should be the norm for you.
And if this is not your normal life, then use shamanic journeying as one of the first aid shaman tools to find it.
It’s important to CHOOSE to take the time to find balance.
Another tool in my First Aid box is the drumming music, which is included in my Shamanic Journeying course. Just listening to the shamanic drumming, for half an hour a day, will have a great, positive effect on you, bringing you into balance.
So let me guide you, step by step, to find and bring back your Power Animal.
These First AID shaman tools are right here for you now to use. Bring harmony into your life by choosing to take the time out, and be good to yourself. CLICK HERE NOW!
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