Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Balance is important in every aspect of reality. This includes the very existence of life on Earth. Forces like gravity are at a perfect balance to allow life in the Universe.

Therefore, when the left and right body sides, including the left and right brain hemispheres are in balance, there are many benefits for your life. Achieving this balance is done over time through meditation practices, or quickly using binaural beats.

The left side of the body is associated with the feminine side.
It is the receiving side, the energy that comes into your being. It is what you are feeling inside, but might have not expressed.

The left body side activates the right side of the brain. This side is associated with creativity, inner strength, visualization, intuition, sensitivity, and relaxation.

If the left side of the body has a disruption in the energy flow, the right side of the brain is affected as well.

You can suffer from low inner strength, and you might feel depressed. Physically you can feel cold, have digestive problems, or sinus problems. You might have low mental energy. Your creativity might be lacking, as well as your intuition. You might have problems to relax, and chill out.

The right side of the body is associated with the masculine side.
This is the energy you are expressing. Basically it is the energy, and quality you put out to the world, and most likely seen or felt by others around you.

The right body side activates the left side of the brain. This side is associated with logic, aggression, control, and physical strength.

If the right body side has a disruption in the energy flow, you might suffer from aggression. The “EGO” might be strong. Physically, you can have dry or itchy skin, maybe a dry throat, sinus problems, and you can suffer from sweating or high body heat. Also uncontrolled appetite is a sign of this disruption. It can lead to extreme physical activity, and you can have excessive sexual energy.

What Is Consciousness
Now, the question is: how can you balance the left and right body and brain sides?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to learn a simple technique to balance the energy for your clients, and yourself? Now you can!
I will show you how to do it in my online video course “Energy Balance”

If you are an Energy Healer, and you are looking for new tools that you can use for your healing sessions, than check out my online course

If you are a Healer, than you need to know this technique!

[whohit]Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?[/whohit]

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