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Author: Daniela Hills

Soul Retrieval – Online Course

Soul Retrieval – Online Course

Soul Retrieval How to do a Shamanic Journey to help your friends or clients Advanced online video Course Students in my beginner course: “How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal” asked me if I could teach them how to do a Shamanic Journey for friends and clients, and especially how to do a Soul Retrieval.  It’s important that before you enroll in this advanced course, you hopefully enrolled already in my beginner course…

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Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Balance is important in every aspect of reality. This includes the very existence of life on Earth. Forces like gravity are at a perfect balance to allow life in the Universe. Therefore, when the left and right body sides, including the left and right brain hemispheres are in balance, there are many benefits for your life. Achieving this balance is done over time through meditation practices, or quickly using binaural beats. The left side of the body is associated with…

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Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

If you think you’re always busy, you need to transform these thoughts, otherwise you will not get out of this negative loop. Do you need a positive thinking tip? I’m writing about this, because I was plagued with thoughts like this: “Oh yeah, I have so much to do! I wish I could be in many places at once to clean, cook, wash cloths, look after my grandchild; and then there’s the marketing to do, create videos for my courses, create music, not…

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Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Sometimes I hear spiritual healers saying: When I give a healing session, I often feel awful afterwards. Or: I often get the same illness or problems as my client.  Why does this happen? The healer wants to help, but as a result they feel out of balance, or sick? When I hear healers saying this, I ask the following question: What is the balance between giving and receiving? What do you get for your work? Guess how they ALWAYS answer?…

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Want To Change Your Life? Get Rid Of Bad Karma, And Start Getting Good Luck Now?

Want To Change Your Life? Get Rid Of Bad Karma, And Start Getting Good Luck Now?

Can you really get rid of bad karma? Can it be life Changing? Can your luck change right now? It just has! Daniela is my Guru, and let me tell you that I’ve taken all of her courses, and they work! In this course, you’ll learn more than just how to get rid of bad karma. You’ll learn a lot more about yourself, how you think, and how others influence you too. You’ll learn a powerful technique that will teach…

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A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

UPDATE: TRY Trance Healing for Free NOW! Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m finished working on my new exciting online video course “Trance Healing”. So what is Trance Healing? It’s a method of spiritual healing, where the energy comes directly from your angels, spirit guides and helpers. It’s basically a form of Mediumship, which is the art to connect to the Spirit World. Trance Healing is perfect for helping yourself, and others. Normally if you want to learn and practice Trance Healing or…

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30 % OFF – Ends on the 31st of August!

30 % OFF – Ends on the 31st of August!

30 % OFF – will end on the 30th of August! Learn at home “How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal!” What is the course about? This course teaches you how to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal, and also how to connect with your Spirit Guides, and how to get answers to questions. Maybe you tried to do this already through a meditation, but it didn’t really…

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