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Category: Mind And Body

Mind And Body Balance Is Important

In my life I find that it’s much easier to balance the body if the mind has found it’s centre first.  I think before you can seriously think about balancing the spirit, mind and body should jive.  It all works together to create inner peace.  The way I think, will influence the physical situations in my life, and the spiritual too, by creating my future karma. When my thinking is negative, and I’m mentally out of balance, this can lead to health problems for my body.

In turn, if I’m sick, or overweight, this adds to my unhappiness. In this viscous cycle of getting further from my mind and body centres, it becomes really hard for me to focus on my spiritual needs. For me, improving all three first starts with number 1:

1. Mind

2. Body

3. Spirit

Yet, at the same time, all three should work together simultaneously. Changing the way I think is the best way to get started in creating a synergy between all three. Thoughts become reality. So just regular, positive thinking has made a huge difference in my life.

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

7 Amazing Things You Can Learn For Spiritual Energy Healing

My therapist was learning the Spiritual Energy Healing method of a past life regression. She wanted to try it out on me. I let her. And that was a mistake.   You might be thinking she screwed up some how with this spiritual energy healing… Or nothing happened during the experience… Or maybe I bailed on her, and the session ended abruptly… Those would have been easy problems to overcome. The truth is that this situation was even worse. I wish I…

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Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of AI

Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of AI

Artificial intelligence: AI, Consciousness, And The Soul? Why Elon Musk Is Right To Be Terrified of Click now:… To explore the soul! Elon Musk, and others, are terrified of AI because AI, as we speak, continues to learn new patterns very quickly. Elon Musk is worried that human will not be able to control AI, and it will eventually outsmart us, and perhaps inadvertently start WW3. Here is the perceived problem with AI, which is potentially dangerous for humanity. AGI,…

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Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More

Spiritual Development Online Classes, For Spiritual Healing, and More We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development. Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more! Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this calming,…

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Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Does Reiki Really Work? How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening   Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this…

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What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe

What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe

What Is The Meaning Of Life: 7 Astonishing Reasons Why Life Creates The Universe What Is The Meaning Of Life? Click now: Biocentrism says that the separation between the universe and the one observing it does not exist at all. Robert Lanza’s theory is the closest science that aligns with many philosophers, sages, and spiritual gurus throughout the ages, who have tried to describe the universe when asking the age old question: what is the meaning of life? In…

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What Is The Power Of Now?

What Is The Power Of Now?

What Is The Power Of Now? I’m not talking about the book. What is the power of now? Living without worry and fear is a big part of it. The book will help you with this too. The power of now is living in the moment. Basically, everything bad that has happened to you, or will happen to you, is not part of the moment. Worry, which creates fear, over come us when we are trapped in our minds, trapped…

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Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Why Take Time To Invest In Yourself?

Take Time To Invest In Yourself, Not Just In The Stock Market There’s nothing wrong with making money and investing. But it can be daunting and stressful. You need to take time to invest in yourself. I know, when I was once a day trader, that there are two emotions that take over. One is greed, and the other is fear. Both are overwhelming, and insanely stressful. Some nights I couldn’t even sleep, worrying about losing my shirt. No wonder…

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Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Do you know why a balance between the left and right side of the body and brain is so important?

Balance is important in every aspect of reality. This includes the very existence of life on Earth. Forces like gravity are at a perfect balance to allow life in the Universe. Therefore, when the left and right body sides, including the left and right brain hemispheres are in balance, there are many benefits for your life. Achieving this balance is done over time through meditation practices, or quickly using binaural beats. The left side of the body is associated with…

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Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

Positive Thinking Tip: Are You Always busy? Do You Often think: I Have So Much To Do!

If you think you’re always busy, you need to transform these thoughts, otherwise you will not get out of this negative loop. Do you need a positive thinking tip? I’m writing about this, because I was plagued with thoughts like this: “Oh yeah, I have so much to do! I wish I could be in many places at once to clean, cook, wash cloths, look after my grandchild; and then there’s the marketing to do, create videos for my courses, create music, not…

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Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Can You Draw The Problems Or Sickness From Your Clients Into Your Life Unwillingly?

Sometimes I hear spiritual healers saying: When I give a healing session, I often feel awful afterwards. Or: I often get the same illness or problems as my client.  Why does this happen? The healer wants to help, but as a result they feel out of balance, or sick? When I hear healers saying this, I ask the following question: What is the balance between giving and receiving? What do you get for your work? Guess how they ALWAYS answer?…

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What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?

A well balanced mind body soul connection is important to your holistic well being. To achieve this, meditation might be the ticket. There is more than just the spiritual benefits of meditation. Just take a look at this comprehensive list of benefits. The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation -Positive Energy -Lucid Dreaming -Inner Silence -Spiritual Awakening -We Are All One -Law Of Attraction -Remote Viewing -Access The Quantum -Higher Consciousness -Kundalini Rising -Awaken Intuition -Open Third Eye -Balance Chakras -Deepen Awareness…

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Mind Body Soul Fitness: My Secret

Mind Body Soul Fitness: My Secret

Do you want to be healthy on all levels? How much do you hate all the choices when you go shopping? Do you want to know my secret for mind body soul fitness? Mind Body Soul Fitness Starts With Your Diet I know that lots of people hold to their way of eating almost religiously. Diet is important to all of us. Personally, I was looking for the healthiest, and most human diet possible. I researched it, and found that…

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Get Rid Of Bad Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love!

Get Rid Of Bad Karma: How To Create The Karma You Love!

Can you really get rid of bad karma? Can it be life Changing? Daniela Hills thinks so. And she’s right! She’s been working on developing some amazing online courses for you to take for FREE! Daniela is my Guru, and let me tell you that I’ve taken all of her courses, and they work! Get Rid Of Bad Karma Turning bad into good is a basic human desire. The secret to experiencing the best situations possible in your life, is…

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A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

A New Online Course Trance Healing Is Here!

UPDATE: TRY Trance Healing for Free NOW! Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m finished working on my new exciting online video course “Trance Healing”. So what is Trance Healing? It’s a method of spiritual healing, where the energy comes directly from your angels, spirit guides and helpers. It’s basically a form of Mediumship, which is the art to connect to the Spirit World. Trance Healing is perfect for helping yourself, and others. Normally if you want to learn and practice Trance Healing or…

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Are You Happy Now? Is There A Secret To Happiness?

Are You Happy Now? Is There A Secret To Happiness?

Are You Happy Now? Now is important. But if you are happy now, how long will it last? The secret to happiness is found in the moment. I had a conversation with a friend not long ago. We talked about someone he knew: a couple who were suddenly divorcing. I asked why. He said because they weren’t happy anymore. That’s too bad I said. My friend asked me why. I told him because the problem is that people expect to…

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Mind Body Spirit Wellness Tip Of The Day

Mind Body Spirit Wellness Tip Of The Day

There a many ways to create mind body spirit wellness. It’s not just about mental exercise, nor physical, or even just meditating all day. True wellness is a combination of them all. I do, however believe there is a root to mind body spirit wellness. And it has a lot to do with karma. I know that to eat a healthy well balanced diet will clear your mind, and make you feel healthier, and help you lose weight.  I know…

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How Enhancing Mind Body Spirit Works If You Put It All Together?

How Enhancing Mind Body Spirit Works If You Put It All Together?

How do we know if anything is real? Before I can say somthing about how enhancing mind body spirit works, did you know that philosophers have been trying to figure out the mind body problem for a long time? Enhancing Mind Body Spirit Connection In my opinion the mind body problem explains the spirit. So, how does our mind and body interact? How does it all fit together? There are two arguments: 1. Dualism: maintains a rigid distinction between the…

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How To Relax Your Mind And Body From Stress?

How To Relax Your Mind And Body From Stress?

How To Relax Your Mind And Body From Stress: A Survival Mechanism! Stress is none existent in the physical world. It’s not a thing that you can call, or visit. It doesn’t pay taxes. It’s not your bosses evil side kick, bent on making your life hell. When I get stressed, I let it happen inside of me. Hence, stress comes from my thoughts. Sometimes it’s also a combination of thoughts, and physical demand. If I subtract thoughts from the…

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How Can This Free Online Meditation Course Help You Enjoy A Better Life?

How Can This Free Online Meditation Course Help You Enjoy A Better Life?

Why is this free online meditation course so helpful? Meditation will help you focus your attention and awareness in order to self-regulate the body and mind. It’s a stylized mental technique for the purpose of attaining a subjective experience, that is frequently described as very restful, silent, and of heightened alertness. It’s often characterized as blissful. It becomes mindfulness. If done correctly, it can help you escape the bonds of the logical mind completely. This Free Online Meditation Course Can…

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Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

What is your true spiritual potential? This is a hard question to answer, because first we would have to understand what that potential is. Understanding potential means understanding limits, and it would seem that with spirituality there are no limits. Yet, unlimited potential seems to be a hard concept for humans to grasp, because we are limited to the physics that seem to keep us grounded on the Earth, for example. Living in the moment will ground us. Living In The…

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Binaural beats: Sacred Earth! Free Meditation

Binaural beats: Sacred Earth! Free Meditation

Sacred Earth: Binaural beats meditation! Ever heard of Binaural beats? This is a great meditation! The Sacred Earth is here at last! This music is dedicated to the earth, and that’s why its called the SACRED EARTH. Binaural Beats, Sacred Earth Meditation: Let me tell you the deep earthy tones really touch the soul and connect you with mother earth. It is important to ground ones self when practising spiritual ritual. A lot of people forget to do this and…

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How To Create A Healthy Mind Body Soul

How To Create A Healthy Mind Body Soul

Something that is missing more and more these days is healthy relationships. A healthy mind body soul connection can be created by being authentically social. A Healthy Mind Body Soul Can Be Found In Relationships We are social creatures, there is no doubt about this. Using my “Alone” example again–a reality show that leaves survival contestants completely alone to survive in the wilderness–nothing I’ve seen on TV has ever more successfully at revealing how people need other people to be…

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Why Is One Of The Best Meditation Techniques Is Simply To Open Your Ears?

Why Is One Of The Best Meditation Techniques Is Simply To Open Your Ears?

Meditation is a powerful way I use to help me improve not only my spiritual self, but my physical self too. One of the best meditation techniques is simply to let a Master do the work for you, so to speak… The Best Meditation Techniques Are Guided What am I talking about exactly? Guided meditations! A guided meditation is one of the best meditation techniques because the Master, who is guiding you, knows how to get you to that place…

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Female Guru Is Also Called A Gurvi Who Removes Darkness

Female Guru Is Also Called A Gurvi Who Removes Darkness

Guru means one who removes darkness. Now you can call a female Guru a Gurvi if you want, but as a modern, New Age spiritualist the name does not matter to me. Traditional Indian Gurus like Sadhguru, speak in general terms of how a woman’s femininity will not allow her to be an effective Master. A Female Guru Can Be A Master I don’t see it this way. If you take the basic concept of one who removes darkness–usually through teaching,…

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Free Meditation Music To Take Care Of Stress And Find Inner Peace

Free Meditation Music To Take Care Of Stress And Find Inner Peace

Free Meditation Music For Inner Peace? Researchers say that music with 60 beats per minute is the key to creating harmony in your brain. I have some free meditation music that was created along these lines. 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves. These are they same brainwaves that arise in our minds when we feel the most comfortable and chilled-out. Great meditation music will get you to this ultra relaxed…

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Five Meditation Classes In One, All For FREE!

Five Meditation Classes In One, All For FREE!

Meditation Classes That Will Guide You If you like learning online, and your are looking for meditation classes, why not take this course for Free, which offers 5 meditation classes in one: 1. Welcome Lets attune to each other… 2. Inner Peace Meditation Take time during the day: Inner Peace – Guided Meditation…   3. Gratitude Meditation Short, but powerful, enjoy this meditation… 4. Thank you, I love you – Mantra Mantra: Thank you, I love you… 5. Healing with…

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The Key To True Happiness, Is Not Wanting To Be Happy In The First Place

The Key To True Happiness, Is Not Wanting To Be Happy In The First Place

Most people strive to be happy. But what is the key to true happiness? The pursuit of happiness is the number one goal of 99% of all humanity. It is the foundation that has built entire empires. It is a billion dollar industry too, in book sales, self help seminars, guru philosophies, of religions passions, studied by science. The Key To True Happiness Is Letting Go The key true happiness Is probably not want you think. Being happy sounds great,…

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One Great Way For Healing Body Mind Spirit

One Great Way For Healing Body Mind Spirit

Healing Body Mind And Spirit: The Power Of Thoughts A big part of this blog is dedicated to helping you healing body mind and spirit. In short healing the body has a lot to do with mind and spirit. Many illnesses begin in the mind. Spirit is an aspect of yourself that should be included into your life. If stress is a huge cause of illnesses, and stress is, in truth, fictional, and exists only in the mind, then healing body…

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