Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

Why Is A Deep Meditation Trance The Best Way For Healing During A Shamanic Journey?

A Deep Meditation Trance Better Than Hypnosis

A shamanic journey, in the form that Daniela presents it is not hypnotism, it’s a trance. There is a significant difference between the two. It’s like a deep meditation trance. Hypnosis is a state in which the one under it’s sway is no longer in control; whereas a trance is a state where the person experiencing it is still aware of their surroundings, and if need be, can exit the trance state, being in control of the experience.

Deep Meditation Trance

During the shamanic journey, which Daniela teaches, you will always have the opportunity to leave the spirit world if you so choose.

At the beginning you will learn to do a deep meditation trance in order to enter the different spirit realms. There, you can discover missing and hidden aspects of yourself. Yet there might be a reason to leave… Why?

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  • The spirit world has both good and evil spirits.

    Daniela wants you to have a safe and positive journey, and thus encourages you to avoid potential energies that are negative for you on your path. If however you are in discomfort, or need to avoid the negative entities you meet on your journey, you will always have the opportunity to take yourself out of the trance on your own.

    If you were under hypnosis this is not possible. Hypnosis takes your ability of self-will, and that is not what a shamanic journey is all about.

    Daniela believes that you should always be in control of any shamanic, or initiation, ritual, and energy work, or medium-ship she might do for you. True healing begins when you are willing to accept the fact that it is up to you. This can only happen when you are empowered and in control. In Conclusion, Learn how to do a shamanic journey Now!

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